11/08/2007-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING NOVEMBER 8, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bilyeu, Glenn Jensen, Brian Hutchenon, Russell Martin, Shelley Ruland, Paul Edelman, Kay VanHauen OTHERS PRESENT: Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Economic Development Director Cecile Canon, Jay Beaven, Jack Williams, Rick Corlett, Michael Wykrent, Paul Walker, Tommy Bosworth 1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: October 4, 2007 Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes as presented. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Presentation of the City of Sanger's Proposed Comprehensive Master Plan and Thoroughfare Map. Cecile Canon indicated that MPRG had been working for the last 14 months on this plan. Dan Boutwell was unable to attend the meeting due to the change of meeting date. Ms. Carson gave the Commission some documents and explained that the documents are also available online. She also gave the background of the project. This was started last June or July; a Steering committee was appointed. The committee interviewed three consulting firms and hired MPRG. They prepared a plan, had public meetings, did an online survey, there was news coverage, e-news and web information. Through the process a set of goals was determined. Ms. Canon explained what a comprehensive plan is. Goals were outlined: maintain atmosphere, encourage new commercial, encourage preservation of downtown, improve mixed land uses, provide optimum opportunity to live and work in Sanger, improve streets, encourage job development, encourage quality residential development, and Sanger parks and trails. Discussed" Neighborhood Concept". Discussed Residential Design Elements. Discussed Commercial Design Elements. Discussed Historic Preservation. Discussed Parks classification and Standards. Discussed Economic Development goals which are to create a viable retail community, create industrial marketing and recruitment plan, and create tourism. Land Use Map with Thoroughfares was shown. Discussed future and current uses. Discussed Implementation and approvals. Ms. Carson indicated that conformance to the plan and maintenance of the plan are two key pieces. The document should be used as the fint step when someone comes in with new development. Gary Bilyeu asked Ms. Canon to elaborate on the Comprehensive plan. Ms. Canon indicated that the plan is a general guideline to be used. Discussion continued regarding the master plan and maintenance of it. Importance of matching the zoning ordinance was discussed. 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding the City of Sanger's Proposed Comprehensive Master Plan and Thoroughfare Map. Public Bearing Opened. No·Diseussion. Public Bearing Closed. I 5. Consider and Possible Action on the Recommendation of the City of Sanger's Proposed Comprehensive Master Plan and Amendment to the Thoroughfare Map to the City Council. Briefly discussed amendment to thoroughfare map. Glenn Jensen moved to approve the Comprehensive Plan and the amended Thoroughfare map as a package deal. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinances Relating to Building, Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Gary Bilyeu wanted to get an idea of where the memben are at on reviewing ordinances. Paul Edelman indicated about 25%. Mr. Bilyeu proposed that instead of writing new ordinances, they do bullets of what they would like to see. MPRG will -be writing the new zoning ordinance. Ms. Carson stated that the ordinances and Comprehensive plan should be looked over and checked for consistency. Shelley Ruland wanted to know if we could look at the City of Mckinney's Parks ordinances. Brief Discussion. Cecile indicated the work on the zoning ordinances will start in January, and a workshop should be held after the first of the year. 7. Workshop: Discussion on SUP application on property located at 103 Bolivar Street. Cecile spoke on the industrial prospect for this property. She indicated that 99.9°/4 of the project are changes that you can not see. There is a new roof. There are no changes to the exterior, only a wall sign will be used, if a sign is used. The City has asked for an SUP because the defmition for the business is not clearly written in the zoning ordinance. Ms. Carson indicated this is for an organic fertilizer packaging facility. No ammonia or chemicals will be used. The City would also like to limit access to the rear street. U it used, it will have to be upgraded to current subdivision standards. The business is currently operating in Frisco. Russell Martin inquired if there was any way to start talking-to TXDOT about a light at FM 45S and 2a11 Street. Ms. Carson indicated that the City Engineer is looking at a way to handle traffic. The details in the SUP Ordinance will outline the following: not allowing use of Elm Street, indicate where any signs will be placed, dedication of R.O. W., and no outside storage or display. 8. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING NOVEMBER 8, 2007 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bilyeu, Glenn Jensen, Brian Hutchenon, RusseU Martin, SheUey Ruland, Paul Edelman, Kay Van Hauen OTHERS PRESENT: Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz 1. Gary Bilyeu CaUed Meeting to Order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit on Property Legally Described as Original Townsite Lots 1-8, Block 1; Lots 1-10, Block2; Lots 1-4 and 9-12, Block 7. Property is Located at 103 Bolivar Street. Public Hearing Opened No Discussion Public Hearing Closed 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit on Property Legally Described as Original Townsite Lots 1-8, Block 1; Lots 1-10, Block2; Lots 1-4 and 9-12, Block 7. Property is Located at 103 Bolivar Street. A memo referencing a change to the SUP was given to the board memben, which added the foUowing stipulation: "no outside display, storage or sales." Paul Edelman moved to approve the Specific Use Permit with the change as presented. Kay Van Hauen seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 4. Meeting Adjourned