08/07/2008-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Aug 7, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Glenn Jensen, Russell Martin, Skip Lindholm, Kay Van Hauen, Shelley Ruland Gary Bilyeu, Brian Hutcherson City Engineer: Rob Woods, Dir. of Development Services: Joseph Iliff I. Co-Chairman of the Board, Russell Martin called meeting to order. 2. Minutes: The minutes of May I and June 5, 2008. Changes to Minutes of May I: Members present: Shelley Ruland, Kay Van Hauen Item 3: Delete "unanimously" Shelley Ruland moved to accept the minutes from both dates with the mentioned changes. Seconded by Kay Van Hauen. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of and possible action regarding proposed amendments to the city street standards. Joe Iliff & Rob Woods presented recommendation to add another street classification to the current Subdivision Ordinance. Lengthy discussion concerning the proposed change. Discussed were the cost of improvements, the timing of the proposal, the differences between concrete & asphalt, and the minimum lot size along the new streets. Skip Lindholm made a motion to table item 3 for further consideration. Motion seconded by Shelley Ruland. Motion approved 4-1 with Kay Van Hauen voting against. 4. Discussion with city staff about training opportunities for commission members. Brief discussion on training. Glenn Jensen suggested a workshop on a regular meeting night even without any agenda items. Skip Lindholm asked about personal liability for commission members. Joe Iliff indicated he will find out how to get that information. 5. Co-Chairman Martin declared meeting adjourned.