AUGUST 21, 2008
PRESENT: Kay Van Hauen, Shelley Ruland, Gary Bilyeu, Glenn Jensen, Russell
Martin, Brian Hutcherson, Skip Lindholm
OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Public Works Rob Woods, Director of Development
Services Joe Iliff, Carl L. Kelly, Bill Wright, Will Tate, Mitch Ballard, Mahesh Surati
1. Chairman of the Board, Gary Bilyeu, called meeting to order.
2. Minutes: August 7
Glenn Jensen moved to approve the minutes as presented. Kay Van Hauen
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Conduct a public hearing to consider a proposed zoning change from B-2 Business
District and FP Flood Plain District to 1-1 Industrial District on a portion of the
property legally described as Tract 123 of the Ruben Bebee Survey and a portion
of the property legally described as Tract 124 of the Ruben Bebee Survey.
Public hearing opened.
Bill Wright, applicant, P.O. Box 1656, Grapevine TX 76099, addressed the
Public hearing closed.
4. Consider and possible action on a proposed zoning change from B-2 Business
District and FP Flood Plain District to 1-1 Industrial District on a portion of the
property legally described as Tract 123 of the Ruben Bebee Survey and a portion
of the property legally described as Tract 124 of the Ruben Bebee Survey.
Discussion regarding Master Plan, Flood Zone, future widening of 1-35, street
access, neighboring zoning, etc.
Glenn Jensen asked if there was any response from property owners in adjacent
areas. Joe Iliff indicated there were no responses.
Russell Martin moved to recommend approval of the zoning change. Glenn
Jensen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Conduct public hearing concerning a proposed zoning change from Old SF-3
Single Family District to SF-8 Single Family District on property legally
described as Tract 348 of the Henry Tierwester Survey.
Chairman Gary Bilyeu excused himself from this item and left the room.
Co-Chairman Russell Martin declared public hearing opened.
Will Tate, applicant, 1212 N. Locust St, Denton, TX 76201, addressed the
Public hearing closed.
6. Consider and possible action on a proposed zoning change from Old SF-3 Single
Family District to SF-8 Single Family District on property legally described as
Tract 348 of the Henry Tierwester Survey.
Chairman Gary Bilyeu excused himself from this item and left the room.
Russell Martin asked if Old SF-3 still existed. Joe Iliff indicated that it is on our
zoning map.
Shelley Ruland moved to recommend approval of the zoning change. Kay Van
Hauen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Consider and possible action on the Final Plat of the G & W Ventures Addition.
Chairman Gary Bilyeu excused himself from this item and left the room.
Joe Iliff stated that this is the same property as items 5 & 6 above.
Glenn Jensen asked if letters were sent to neighbors. Joe Iliff explained that
letters are not necessary for a plat.
Glenn Jensen moved to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Brian Hutcherson
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Gary Bilyeu rejoined the commission.
8. Consider and possible action on Final Plat of the CHA Addition.
Joe Iliff stated that he was recommending that the plat be amended to show the 25
ft. required building line along Exchange Drive, but the applicant has already
done that.
Shelley Ruland asked what the purpose of the plat was. Joe Iliff explained that
the property had never been platted and they have submitted an application for an
addition to the existing building.
Shelley Ruland moved to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Seconded by
Russell Martin. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Consider and possible action on proposed amendments to the city street standards.
Joe Iliff & Rob Woods recommended adding another street classification to the
current Subdivision Ordinance.
Discussion followed concerning the proposed change.
Discussed were the differences between asphalt and concrete, maintenance,
inspections, edge restraint, County responsibility vs. City responsibility, whether
the option is restricted to ETJ, etc.
Brian Hutcherson moved to recommend the amendment of the proposed street
section. Glenn Jensen seconded. Motion carried 6 -1. Russell Martin voted
9. Meeting adjourned.