05/31/1990-PZ-Minutes-Regular(. MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission May 31, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Tommy Kincaid, Beverly Howard, Fred Yeatts, and Charles Kesseler MEMBERS ABSENT: Ken Howard, Andy Garza, and Russell Madden OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, Debbie Tucker, and Mrs. Zelma Millar 1. Chairperson Tommy Kincaid called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes of May 24, 1990 were approved with one correction to #4, which should read: Charles Kesseler made the motion to approve the development with a Bluebonnet Aa,ess road into the Addition. Seconded by Russell Madden. Motion carried. Five in favor, one against -Kenneth Howard. 3. Conduct Public Hearing for Zoning Change for Zelma A. Millar - 202 N. 4th, Lots 1-7, Blk. 14, o. T. of Sanger. 4. Chairperson Tommy Kincaid opened the Public Hearing to the public. City Manager John Hamilton made a presentation regarding this. zoning request. Chairperson Kincaid dosed the Public Hear~g. Consider and Possible Action on Zoning Change for 202 N. 4th. Fred Y~tts made the motion to leave the zoning as it is now which is B-3. Charles Kesseler seconded. Motion carried. Arter the motion, the Planning & Zoning Commission encouraged petitioner, Mrs. Millar, to go to the City Council with her zoning P & Z Minutes May 31, 1990 Page2 request. (Scheduled June 18th -Public Hearing on Zelma Millar's Z.Oning Change -202 N. 4th, from B-3 to L-1 -City Council Meeting.) 5. Any Other Such Matters -None 6. Meeting adjourned.