12/13/1990-PZ-Minutes-Regular (3)( MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission December 13, 1990 Chairperson Russell Madden. Charles Kesseler, Terry Jones, Kenneth Howard and Andy Garza Tommy Kincaid and Beverly Howard City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Chairperson Russell Madden called the meeting to order. 2. Approval of Minutes, May 31, 1990 Motion was made by Kenneth Howard and seconded by Terry Jones to approve minutes of May 31, 1990 as printed and if they were not in conflict with the tape. Motion carried. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a change in zoning from B-2 to I-1 with a Specific Use Permit on a 4+ acre tract of land located in the west side of I-35 City Manager advised Realtor Sharon Copeland, acting as a agent for the FDIC and representing a Missouri trucking company, has requested a change from B-2 to I-1 with a Specific Use Permit on a 4+ acre tract of land where Roberts Construction and Prinsco Pipe used to be located. City Secretary advised there was no negative response from property owners within 200' feet Motion was made _by Kenneth Howard and seconded by Terry Jones to approve the change in zoning from B-2 to I-1 with a Specific Use Permit on a 4+ acre tract of land located on the west side of 1-35. Motion carried. P & Z Minutes 12/ 13/90 Page 2 4. Any Other Such Matters -None reported. 5. Meeting adjourned (