06/06/1991-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission June 6, 1991 Charles Kesseler (Chairperson), Kenneth Howard, Beverly Howard, and Andy Garza Russell Madden and Terry Jones City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Mrs. Sammy Smith Bynum, Francile Sullivan & ____ _ 1). Chairperson Charles Kesseler called the meeting to order. 2). Motion was made by Kenneth Howard to approve minutes of December 13, 1990. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion carried. 3). Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit Request from Linda L. McCuller, located at 804 Third Street After a lengthy discussion, Planning and Zoning members concluded that this property is already zoned business and therefore a specific use permit is not required; however, item was discussed just in case a problem arose regarding this property. The following issue was addressed and discussed: 1). Mrs. Bynum and her neice's objection to the specific use permit along with Francille Sullivan's objection and concern regarding this request. Motion was made by Kenneth Howard that this request be approved with recommendation to City Council Seconded by Beverly Howard Motion carried Chairperson Kesseler also stated that the property is already zoned Business: however action was taken in case there is a problem with the legality 3). Any Other Such Matters -None. 5). Meeting adjourned