09/17/1991-PZ-Minutes-Regular(. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission September 17, 1991 Russell Madden (Chairperson), Andy Garza, Terry Jones, Ken Howard. and Charles Kesseler Beverly Howard and Rick Powell City Manager John Hamilton. Adm. Asst Etta Stogsdill Helen E. Johnson. Mae Jones, and Taiesy Jones 1. Chairperson Russell Madden called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: Motion was made by Kenneth Howard and seconded by Andy Garza to approve minutes of June 6, 1991. Motion carried (•Rick Powell was appointed to the P & Z Commisson at the regular scheduled City Council Meeting on July 1, 1991.) 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Zoning Change from Industrial I to Single Family 4 Chairperson Madden opened the Public Hearing. Three persons were present that were in favor of this zoning change and three replies had been received in the mail which were in favor of this zoning change. Discussion. (ttzoning Map indicates this property is Industrial I.) Chairperson Madden closed the Public Hearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change from Industrial I to Single Family 4 ( P & Z Minutes September 17, 1991 Page 2 Motion was made by Kenneth Howard and seconded by Charles Kesseler to recommend this zoning change request from Industrial I to Single Family 4 to the City Council for the following properties located on Railroad Avenue and is legally described as follows: Abstract 1241 B. Sheet 2, Tract 7; 4.736 Acres Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 51, 0.264 Acres Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 81 Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 82 Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 83 Abstract 1241 B. Sheet 2, Tract 84 Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 85 Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 86 Abstract 1241 B, Sheet 2, Tract 77, l.07 Acres Motion carried c• Abstract 1241 B. Sheet 2, Tract 78, had been presented to the City Council on November 16, 1987 requesting zoning from Heavy Industrial to Residential which was approved at that time.) 5. Any Other Such Matters: None 6. Meeting adjourned • Notations in reference to the agenda item.