03/12/1992-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Commission March 12, 1992 Chairperson Russell Madden, Andy Garza. Terry Jones and Charles Kesseler Beverly Howard and Kenneth Howard Tommy Kincaid, C. G. McNeil], Burl Bourland, and Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hughes 1. Chairperson Russell Madden called the meeting to order. Minutes approved as printed. 2. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a Zoning Change ( 1803 Melinda Myrl) from SF-4 to 2-F to Construct a Two-Family Duplex Chairperson Russell Madden opened Public Hearing to the public. · Property owners present who spoke against the zoning request were: 1. Roger Kincaid 2. Lucille Trail Speaking against the zoning request also was Tommy Kincaid. Speaking for the zoning request was: 1. Burl Bourland 2. Gene Hughes After opinions were expressed, Chairperson Russell Madden declared the Public Hearing closed. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change (1803 Melinda Myrl). Discussion among members. Motion was made by Member Charles Kesseler to deny the zoning request from SF-4 to 2.;F, Block 1, Lot 4, in Bourland Addition. Seconded by Member Rick Powell Motion carried three to two. 4. Any Other Such Matters: None 5. Meeting adjourned.