11/10/1992-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission November 10, 1992 Chairperson Beverly Howard. Glenn Shaw, Andy Garza, and Jack Richardson Freddy Inman, Rick Powell, and Mike Rosenberg Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Lyndell T. Quisenberry, Ed and Jacqueline Rutherford, J.P. Hampton, and Mrs. John Hopgood 1. Chairperson Beverly Howard called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to approve minutes as presented Seconded by Andy Garza. Motion carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Request from SF-3 (Single Family Residential) to MF-1 (Multi-Family Residential) Original Town Sanger, Blk. 54, Lot 2 ( 108 7th Street) and Lot 1 ( 113 N. 6th) Chairperson Howard declared the Public Hearing open. Speaking against this zoning request Jacqueline & Ed Rutherford Lyndell T. Quisenberry J. P. Hampton Jacqueline Rutherford stated that if something like this was built, it would devalue their property. Concern was emphasized since they already have problems with apartment complex at 612 Locust. Mr. Lyndell Quisenberry, owner of property at 103 N. 6th Street, said he disapproves the zoning request and wanted that area to remain SF. J. P. Hampton, l03 S. 6th, also spoke against this request for reasons already given. Mrs. John Hopgood, 105 N. 7th Street, also spoke against it She felt the streets were too narrow. (_ P & Z Min., 11/ 10/92 Page 2 Speaking for the request was Gene Hughes. Mr. Hughes stated he has built a lot of houses in Sanger and his intentions were only to improve property, not devalue it The reason he wants to build this is due to the people requesting that something like this be built He is for growth in Sanger and this is promoting growth. Chairperson Beverly Howard advised that the Planning & Zoning is a Board that makes a recommendation only and City Council will make the final decision. More discussion followed Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent, advised that in the City Ordinance it gives the limitations of what Mr. Hughes can do on this particular type zoning. Mr. Yoast went over the zoning restrictions. Larry Yoast stated that staff does encourage growth in Sanger. Staff feels that for the tax base in Sanger, this type of growth is encouraged Chairperson Beverly Howard closed Public Hearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request from SF-3 (Single Family Residential) to MF-1 (Multi-Family Residential) Original Town Sanger, Blk. 54, Lot 2 ( 108 7th Street) and Lot 1 ( 113 N. 6th) Glenn Shaw made the motion to decline the zoning request from SF-3 to MF-1, Original Town Sanger, Blk. 54, Lot 2 (108 7th Street and Lot 1 ( 113 N. 6th). Andy Garza seconded. Vote was a Tie Vote: Two Against Two For: Andy Garza and Glenn Shaw Beverly Howard and Jack Richardson 5. Any Other Such Matters: None 6. Adjournment Jack Richardson made the motion to adjourn. Glenn Shaw seconded Motion carried