01/28/1993-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission January 28, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Beverly Howard, Rick Powell, Andy Garza, Freddy Inman and Jack Richardson MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Rosenberg and Glenn Shaw OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast. Alma Livingston, Jenelle Hardaway, Telena Patterson, Revina Stanford, and Bill Downey 1. Chairperson Beverly Howard called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes 3. Motion was made by Jack Richardson to approve minutes of November 10, 1992 Meeting. Seconded by Freddy Inman. Motion carried. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Specific Use Permit Request for Alma Livingston, 109 South Manor Court -Sanger South, Block 1, Lot 23, Sanger, Texas Chairperson Beverly Howard opened the Public Hearing to the public. Mrs. Livingston spoke regarding this request She stated she needed this permitin order to help her make a living. She stated she keeps 7 1/2 children Revina Stanford spoke highly of Mrs. Livingston's character. She was also in favor of this request Mrs. Hardaway, a neighbor, also spoke in favor of this request No one spoke against the request Chairperson Beverly Howard closed the Public Hearing. Chairperson Howard advised those at the meeting that the Planning and Zoning is just a recommendation Board to the City CounciL 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Specific Use Permit Request for Alma Livingston, 109 South Manor Court -Sanger South, Block 1, Lot 23, Sanger, Texas 000002 ---P & Z Minutes 1/ 28/93 Page 2 Freddy Inman made the motion to forward this to City Council with their recommendation of approval. Seconded by Andy Garza. Motion carried There was no opposition to the request Rick Powell raised the question concerning the fact that if the property sold, would this type of zoning remain with the property. City Secretary advised that a Specific Use is not a Zoning Request as to actually change the zoning; however. if she ever did sell her property and the new owner wanted to continue with the same business they would have to go through the same procedure that Mrs. Livingston was going through now. 5. Any Other Such Matters: None 6. Meeting adjourned. 000003