06/03/1993-PZ-Minutes-Regular-• -· MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission June 3, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Beverly Howard, Mike Rosenberg, Andy Garza, and Glenn Shaw MEMBERS ABSENT: Freddy Inman and Rick Powell OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jack Richardson, C. G. McNeill and James Clay 1. Chairperson Beverly Howard called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. 2. Approve Minutes Motion was made by Mike Rosenberg and Seconded by Andy Garza to approve the minutes of January 28, 1993. Motion carried. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to Change Zoning From B-2 (Business -2) to I-1 (Industrial -1) for Int. 35, South of Keeton, on the West Side of the Hwy., A-007 lA, Burleson, Tract 2, 2 B 28.61 Acs. 4. Chairperson Beverly Howard opened the Public Hearing to the public. Mr. James Clay with East Texas Sign Company spoke on behalf of his zoning request He stated the property being considered is owned by Carolyn and David Jansen Mr. Clay stated the exact location on the property where the billboard is to be located is to the extreme southend on the property. No one spoke against this request Chairperson Howard closed the Public Hearing. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to Change Zoning From B-2 (Business -2) to I-1 (Industrial -1) for Int. 35, South of Keeton, on the West Side of the Hwy., A-007 lA, Burleson, Tract 2, 2 B 28.61 Acs. 000001 • _, P & Z Meeting 6/3/93, Page 2 After much discussion, this item was tabled. Agenda item to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 24th with a map or a plat of the exact location where the billboard will be placed, copy of the lease agreement, and the types of advertising to be placed on this billboard. 5. Any Other Such Matters: None 6. Adjournment Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Mike Rosenberg. Motion carried 000002