07/15/1993-PZ-Minutes-Regular( MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission July 15, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Shaw, Peggy Haskins, Freddy Inman, Joe Bell, Andy Garza, and Mary Bell Sims MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Rosenberg OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez. and James Clay 1. Board-Member Freddy Inman called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -Tabled 3. Elect Chair and Vice Chair Motion was made by Joe Bell to nominate Freddy Inman as Chair. Seconded by Andy Garza. Board-Member Mary Bell Sims moved that he be elected by acclamation. Motion was made by Chairperson Freddy Inman to elect Glenn Shaw as Vice Chair. Elected by acclamation. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company, to Change Zoning From B-2 {Business -2) to 1-1 (Industrial -1). Property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. tract located in the southeast comer of a 28.61 acre tract described as A0071 A Burleson Tract 2, 2B Chairperson Freddy Inman opened the public hearing. City Administrator John Hamilton addressed the Board with his following recommendation. City Administrator advised that his reason for not giving his recommendation on this zoning request is due to the fact that it would create spot zoning and it would then set a precedence. This zoning request is reflected against the Planning and Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Clay also addressed the Board and provided the items that were requested from him at the last Planning and Zoning Meeting. The following were his proposals: 000001 P & Z Min. 7/ 15/93 Page 2 Mr. Clay stated that their proposed outdoor advertising sign would not advertise alcohol, tobacco, or sexually oriented products on businesses. The sign structure would conform to all Federal and State Codes. They would also provide Sanger with a new larger sandblasted wood sign with the message "Welcome to Sanger" at their expense. The sign would also have a better lighting system than the one Sanger presently has. They will make any unleased sign faces in Sanger available to the City, all cost will be donated to the City. Discussion continued among Board-members and Mr. Clay. Chairperson Freddy Inman closed the public hearing. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for James Clay, East Texas Sign Company. to Ch~ge Zoning From B-2 (Business -2) to 1-1 (Industrial -1). Property is an 8 ft. X 40 ft. tract located in the southeast comer of a 28.61 acre tract described as A007l A Burleson Tract 2, 2B Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to recommend to City Council the zoning change as presented with all the stipulations that h~ve been discussed in the meeting~ Seconded by Andy Garza. Motion carried 6. Any Other Such Matters: None reported 7. Adjournment Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to adjourn. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion carried. 000002