03/03/1994-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission March 3, 1994 Chairperson Freddy Inman, Joe Bell, Mary Bell Sims, and Mike Rosenberg Andy Garza, Peggy Haskins, and Glenn Shaw City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, JoAnn BelL and Greg Edwards -Metroplex Engineering • 1. Chairperson Freddy Inman called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -Joe Bell made the motion to approve the minutes as printed Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for Darwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots -Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Chairperson Inman declared the Public Hearing open. Greg Edwards with Metroplex Engineers, one of the engineers for Mr. Sargent that prepared the final plat on Phase II, Sargent Subdivision, addressed the Planning & Zoning Commision with the following requests. Mr. Edwards was requesting a waiver on the requirements for sidewalks on this particular subdivision. There are no sidewalks in the general vicinity of the development Since there are no adjoining sidewalks, they are asking' a waiver. He also ref erred to the sewer line. State standard requirements are .34% for 8", they are wanting to go with the pipe manufacturers. recommendation of minimum grade of 0.50%· for 6 11 • This would save them about 8 11 of depth by the time they got over to· the street on Phase II and also this would allow them to get the drainage from the existing development north of Phase II into the streets. Mr. Edwards also stated there was no problem with the concrete curb and pavement, it would be poured monolithic, and all other subdivision procedures would be in accordance with City policies and ordinances. ( P & Z Commission Minutes 3/3/94, page 2 Larry Yoast then advised that John Hamilton, City Administrator, had talked to John M~ars, City Engineers, and they were recommending _that on the sewer line that they get with the State to see if they could get them to grant the waiver since it was a State requirement Also, on the sidewalks, staff does not have· a problem since this is a cul-de-sac and it does not correspond with Freese Drive. Larry Yoast also mentioned that on the south side of this property · there were no utility easements to get power to this property. Larry advised that the only easement on the plat were sewer easements which were running on the north side and in the middle, minimum easement required for this easement is 10', 5' from each side. Mr. Edwards indicated they would get it corrected on the plats presented to City CounciL Chairperson Inman declared the Public Hearing closed 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Darwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots -Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Mike Rosenberg made the motion to approve the request for final plat on Sargent's Subdivision with revisions as presented by the City of Sanger which are the following: 1). Utility easement be corrected 2). Decision of the waiver on requirements of sewer line be left to the State. 3). Sidewalk variance be granted by City Council. Recommended to be taken to City Council for their approval Seconded by Joe Bell. Motion carried 5. Any Other Such Matters Chairperson Freddy Inman stated that Mr. Edwards indicated a letter was ~ent and it discussed sidewalks; this needed to be included in packet material (*NOTE: Staff never received a letter to this effect) 6. Adjournment -Motion was made by Mike Rosenberg and seconded by Mary Bell Sims to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.