10/11/1994-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission October 11, 1994 Acting Chairperson Glenn Shaw, Mary Bell Sims, Peggy Haskins, and Andy Garza Mike Rosenberg, Russell Madden and Glenn Ervin Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Sherry Lewis, Doris Garner, Robert Garner and Wanda Ervin 1. Chairperson Glenn Shaw called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -Motion was made by Andy Garza and seconded by Peggy Haskins to approve minutes as printed Motion carried. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single Family-3) to SF-4A (Single Family-4A) on Property in the 900 Block of Church Street, described as H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241, Hampton Addition, east 1/2 of Block 13 and west 1/2 of Block 9 -Jane (Ben Terry) Edwards Chairperson Shaw declared the Public Hearing open. Citizen Sherry Lewis, 600 S. 10th, stated that Mr. Hamilton had answered most of her questions. She stated her questions were as to how many homes would be built on this property. ·Chairperson Shaw stated the Preliminary Plat shows four ( 4) lots. Ms. Lew.is also inquired as to if the property owner planned to tear down the blue house. Chairperson Shaw stated they do not have any plans on doing that as to his knowledge. Ms. Lewis also inquired as to the kind of road to be put in this area. Chairperson Shaw mentioned two houses will be facing Walnut Street and two houses will be facing Church Street. Ms. Lewis further inquired as to this request, it is f,;,r homes only? Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker stated that this request is for 1,000 sq. ft. homes with a single car garage. 000001 ( P & Z Minutes Page 2, 10/ 11/94 Chairperson Shaw closed the Public Hearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single Family-3) to SF-4A (Single Family-4A) on Property in the 900 Block of Church Street, described as H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241, Hampton Addition, east 1/2 of Block 13 and west 1/2 of Block 9 - Jane (Ben Terry) Edwards Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to recommend to City Council to change the zoning as requested. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion carried 5. Any Other Such Matters -None 6. Meeting adjourned. 000002