01/26/1995-PZ-Minutes-Regular/ - MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission January 26, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairperson Mike Rosenberg, Mary Bell Sims, Andy Garza, Glenn Ervin, and Russell Madden OTHERS PRESENT: Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill 1. Chairperson Rosenberg called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes-~M"6tt,n was made by Russell Maddenn·to approve minutes. Glenn Ervin seconded. Motion carried. .3. I Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request from Mr. John Coker to change zoning from SF-3 (Single Family-3) 2-F (Two Family Residential (Duplex) District) to Construct a Duplex on Property at the corner of 3rd and Pecan, Lot 1, (S 15), 4, Blk. 27, Original Town, 303 Pecan Chairperson Rosenberg declared the Pubiic Hearing open. :~-. to -· --·------------ No one present to speak for or against request. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast stated that on Memo #2677, staff recommends approval. Chairperson Rosenberg declared the Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a zoning Request from Mr. John Coker to change zoning from SF-3 (Single Family~3) '· to 2-F (Two family Residential (Duplex) District) to Construct a Duplex on Property at the corner of 3rd and Pecan, Lot 1,· (S 15), 4, Blk. 27, Original Town, 303 Pecan Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to approve this zoning request. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion carried. 5. · Any Other Such Matters -None 6. Motion was made by Andy Garza and seconded by Russell Madden to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. ' 00001 ~::.,