02/16/1995-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Commission February 16, 1995 Acting Chairperson Mike Rosenberg, Mary Bell Sims, Glenn Ervin, and Russell Madden Peggy Haskins, Glen Shaw City Administrator John Hamilton, Rose Chavez City Secretary, Jacqueline and Stephen Rutherford, Mark and Mary McKenzie, Judy Dryden, Don Herndon, Bill and Mary Hampton I. Chairperson Rosenberg called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes--Motion was made by Russell Madden to approve minutes. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried. 3. Chairperson Rosenberg declared open the Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Request from Property Owner on Original Town, Block 54, Lot IR, 2R, and 3R, from SF-3 (Single Family 3) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A), property located on Cherry Street between Sixth and Seventh Street. Mark McKinsey stated that he is against this zoning change, and that the City Planner needs to look at this seriously. Mary McKinsey-512 Locust objected to the zoning. Her final statement was that they did not want more "cracker box" houses in their neighborhood. Jacqueline Rutherford, 611 Locust, stated if this zoning was to allow for three Single family homes to be built on that location, then she was against the zoning change for the reason that the lots were too small. Bill Joel Hampton .103 S. 6th totally disagreed with the zoning change; the three small lots and the three small homes. He would like to see it stopped. Mrs. Mary Hampton also disapproved of the zoning. Judy Dyer stated that these type of small homes don't add to the attractiveness of the City. City Administrator made the following statements: The original zoning ordinance was adopted in 1987 requires a minimum of 60' X 100' lots; in these lots the 66' X 100' square footage exceeds minimum square footage required. P&ZMinutes 2/16/95 -Page 2 Staff believes this is an effort to fill in vacant lots in the neighborhood and to increase the tax base for the city. Just for the records out of the 17 homes the tax base range is from $49,180 to the highest of$128,000. The lowest appraised value of a home in that area is $16,820. If you take the highest appraised valued home and the lowest valued home out then remaining 15 homes average a total tax base of $46,685. The homes that would be built in the location would consist of 1100 feet of air- conditioned living space with 1 ½ bath, single-car garage which would be brick homes. In other areas where Mr. Hughes has built these type homes the appraised values are between $51,000 to $55,000. The City Administrator advised the City is not allowed to differentiate between rental or owner occupied property. Mr. Hamilton's final conclusion since commercial property is so reasonably close that staff recommends approval. Lengthy discussion continued among the Board, Staff and the property owners. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request from Property Owner on Original Town, Block 54, Lot lR, 2R, and 3R, from SF-3 (Single-Family 3) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A), property located on Cherry Street between Sixth and Seventh Street. No motion was made regarding this matter. No recommendation was made to the City Council. 5. Any Other Such Matters No other matters were raised. 6. A motion to adjourn was made by Russell Madden.