05/04/1995-PZ-Minutes-Regular• MINUTES: Planning & Zoning May 4, 1995 PRESENT: Acting Chairperson Glenn Shaw, Glenn Ervin, Mary Bell Sims, Russell Madden MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Rosenberg, Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Dennis Wills, Frank Rodgers, Shelly Ruland, Brian Burke, W.S. Wash 1. Acting Chairperson Glenn Shaw called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes of April 20, 1995. Motion was made by Mary Bell Sims to approve the minutes. Seconded by Glenn Ervin Motion Carried 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF-2 (Single-Family-2) to SF-1 (Single-Family-1) in the Indian Springs Subdivision Phase II. Property is located West on Duck Creek Road. Chairperson Shaw declared Public Hearing opened Frank Rodgers and Shelly Ruland with their engineer, Brian Burke, were present to address any questions the Board might have concerning their request. No one spoke against. Chairperson Shaw closed Public Hearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from SF-2 (Single-Family-2) to SF-1 (Single-Family-1) in the Indian Springs Subdivision Phase II. Property is located West on Duck Creek Road The Board expressed some concern with regards to a thoroughfare street connecting to the property. Discussed. Motion was made by Russell Madden to recommend approval of this request to City Council. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims . 000001 Motion Carried. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Final Subdivision Plat for Dorwin Sargent, Freese Drive, Abstract 1241, Lots 8-16, Block A, Sargent Addition, SF-3. Chairperson Shaw declared Public Hearing opened. Bill Nash, engineer for Dorwin Sargent, was present to address any questions the Board might entertain. City Administrator advised the manhole problem and the drainage easement has been corrected No one spoke against. Chairperson Shaw closed Public Hearing. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Subdivision Plat for Doiwin Sargent, Freese Drive, Abstract 1241, Lots 8-16, Block A, Sargent Addition, Sf-3. Motion was maqe by Russell Madq.~p to recommend approval to City Council regarding Fin~l Sµpdivisiqp Plat for Doiwin Sargent. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. . , Motion Carried. 7. Any Otper iiJCP Matters. I I Ii 8. Adjournment. 000002