06/01/1995-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission June 1, 1995 PRESENT: Acting Chairperson Russell Madden, Glenn Shaw, Mary Bell Sims, Andy Garza, Peggy Haskins MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Rosenberg OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith, Eric Stauch, Ann Stauch, Gregg Stauch, Stacy Burkeholder, John Springer, Liz Springer, Mike James, Brenda James, Jim Lyon, Ray Shurman 1. Acting Chairperson Russell Madden Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of May 4, 1995. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to approve Minutes. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to MF-1 (Multi-Family), Abstract 1241, Tract 103, located at the northeast comer of Bolivar and Acker Street. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing opened. John Springer addressed the Board concerning this item. Mr. Springer assured the Board a triplex will be built in that comer according to City Building Code guidelines and regulations. No one spoke against. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to MF-1 (Multi-Family), Abstract 1241, Tract 103, located at the northeast comer of Bolivar and Acker Street. City Administrator advised the Board that staff does recommend approval. City Secretary reported six letters were sent. One approved, one disapproved with no signature, and Mr. Lemons approved verbally over the phone. 000 01 - P&Z MINUTES 06/01/95 -PAGE 2 Motion was made by Glenn Shaw that the Zoning Change from SF-3 to MF-1 on Abstract 1241, Tract 103, located at the northeast comer of Bolivar and Acker Street be approved. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to SF- 4A (Single-Family 4A), on Lots 29B and 29C in Block 19 of the Replat of Lots 29 and 30, Block 19 of the Hampton Addition, located at 607 and 609 Austin Street. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing opened. Eric Stauch addressed opposition with concern that smaller houses would decrease property values. He was concerned as to whether these homes would be used as rental property. City Administrator John Hamilton advised that the City can make no judgement as to whether the homes will be used as rental property. Mr. John Springer, representing Burl Bourland, presented the floor plans on Lot 29B. Mr. Springer indicated this home would contain 1100 square feet with 1 1/2 bath, a single car garage and brick. This type of home would upgrade the neighborhood rather than downgrade. This home will cost $62,100.00. Mr. Springer indicated that he feels the people in Sanger leave an impression that they do not want families living here that are not affluent enough to afford a bigger home. Mr. Springer stated this home will be built for a retired lady and this type home is affordable to her needs. William Smith spoke in opposition due to the lot size and the street being so narrow. Gregg Stauch ( owner of the Cole residence) also spoke in opposition indicating the same issues Mr. William Smith had addressed. Discussion followed. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to SF-4A (Single-Family 4A), on Lots 29B and 29C in Block 19 of the Replat of Lots 29 and 30, Block 19 of the Hampton Addition, located at 607 and 609 Austin Street. 000 02 P&Z MINUTES 06/01/95 -PAGE 3 City Administrator John Hamilton addressed the Board indicating that staff approved this request. City Secretary Rosalie Chavez reported three letters came back disapproving this request, two were approving and one verbal called in to approve out of fifteen letters that were sent. City Secretary Rosalie Chavez verbally gave the Board 1994 Taxable Property Values of the surrounding properties in the vicinity. Motion was made by Peggy Haskins to approve the Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single- Family-3) to SF-4A (Single-Family 4A) on Lots 29B and 29C in Block 19 of the Replat of Lots 298 and 30, Block 19, of the Hampton Addition. Seconded by Andy Garza. Motion Carried. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to 2F (Two-Family Residential Duplex), on Lot 4, Block 22, Original Town, located at 6th and Bolivar Street. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing opened. Stacy Burkeholder representing his grandmother spoke against this issue. He stated he preferred a single-family home be built in that location because he felt that a two family duplex would definitely affect the area. He also indicated there is a drainage problem in that area and he felt this would create problems for the City. Jim Lyon -602 Bolivar Street indicated that his type of modern structure will take away from the uniqueness of Bolivar Street. It would also lower the property value. Mike James spoke in opposition citing the same issues Mr. Lyon had addressed. Ray Shurman also spoke in opposition stating his concern was parking availability. Chairperson Russell Madden declared Public Hearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single-Family-3) to 2F (Two-Family Residential Duplex), on Lot 4, Block 52, Original Town, located at 6th and Bolivar Street. City Administrator John Hamilton addressed the items. 000 03 P&Z MINUTES 06/01/95 -PAGE 4 City Secretary Rosalie Chavez reported that there were thirteen letters sent. There were eight received back; four approving and four disapproving. City Administrator John Hamilton did advise that real estate agent has requested this change and taking all issues into consideration surrounding the area staff recommends approval. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw not to grant this zoning change from SF-3 (Single- Family-3) to 2F (Two-Family Duplex Residential), on Lot 4, Block 52, Original Town, located at 6th and Bolivar Street. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried. 9. Any Other Such Matters. 10. Adjournment. 000 04