01/18/1996-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission January 18, 1996 PRESENT: Russell Madden, Glenn Shaw, Peggy Haskins, Mary Bell Sims, Betty Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Administrative Secretary Cheryl King, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Mary Dickens, Ben Ronje, Art Kramer, Mike Norman, Gary Hammett, Brad Shelton, Steve Hollingsworth, Billy Jack Hollingsworth, Virgil Ward 1. Chairperson Russell Madden Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Betty Jenkins made a motion to Approve the Minutes. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Replat of Willowood Addition Lots 1-19 Block A, Lots 1-12 Block B, Lots 1-8 and 18 Block C, Lot 1 Block E located at southeast comer of 5th Street and Wayne. Chairperson Russell Madden opened public hearing. Concerned citizens, Ben Ronje, Mike Norman and Steve Hollingsworth expressed their concern regarding the traffic increase on Wayne Drive into this proposed subdivision if approved. Ben Ronje also expressed a concern regarding the sewer system and drainage problems in the past. Mary Dickens objected to the closing · of Wayne Drive and the donation of the abandonment of the city right-of-way to the First Baptist Church for a possible parking · lot expansion. Chairperson Russell Madden assured Mary Dickens that the First Baptist Church getting a new parking lot was not the reason why they were re-routing Wayne Drive. He explained that it would provide continuity into the subdivision. Virgil Ward expressed that since he donated the land in the first place it should come back to him if the city abandons it. Discussion. Chairperson Russell Madden closed the public hearing. 000001 Planning and Zoning Commission January 18, 1996 Page 2 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Replat of Willowood Addition Lots 1-19 Block A, Lots 1-12 Block B, Lots 1-8 and 18 Block C, Lot 1 Block E located at southeast corner of 5th Street and Wayne. Betty Jenkins made a motion to approve the Replat of Willowood Addition Lots 1-19 Block A, Lots 1-12 Block B, Lots 1-8 and 18 Block C, Lot 1 Block E located at southeast corner of 5th Street and Wayne. Motion died for a lack of a second. Glenn Shaw made a motion to approve the Replat of Willowood Addition Lois 1~19 ·· Block A, Lots 1-12 Block B, Lots 1-8 and 18 Block C, Lot 1 Block E located at southeast corner of 5th street and Wayne subject to the following: 1) Wayne Drive remains named Wayne Drive. 2) Wayne Drive is a thoroughfare with no stop signs. 3) Wayne Drive intersects Loop 138 at Turtle Creek. 4) Wayne Drive from the point of Loop 138 back to a certain agreed upon distance will be concrete. S) The designation of stop signs at the other two intersections will be a 11 3-way". Charles Fenoglio seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5 Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Adjournment. 000002