10/10/1996-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission October 10, 1996 PRESENT: Glenn Shaw, Betty Jenkins, Mike James, Mary Bell Sims, Charles Fenoglio ABSENT: Roy Lemons, Peggy Haskins OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Burl Bourland, Johnnie Edwards 1. Call Meeting to Order. Chairperson Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. City Secretary advised she had not transcribed the minutes from the last meeting. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from SF-3 (Single Family 3) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Block 19, Lot JOB, Hampton Addition, located in the 600 block of Church Street. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Opened. Burl Bourland addressed the board indicating he was requesting a zoning change to allow him to be able to build a single car garage on this lot. Mike James asked if the storage building had to be moved. Mr. Bourland did advise they will move that building back. He stated the house has 1141 sq. ft. living area. No one spoke against. All of the property owners within the 200 feet that responded to the request all indicated they had no objection. Chairperson Shaw Declared the Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SF-3 (Single Family 3) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Block 19, Lot JOB, Hampton Addition, lt>ca~ in the 600 block of Church Street. Motioq was--made by Btdy Jenkins to Approve the Zoning Request Change from SF-3 to SF-4A. Seconded by Mike James. MINUTES: P&Z OCTOBER 10, 1996 Motion Carried unanimously. S. Any Other Such Matten. PAGE2 City Secretary asked the Board if it would be problem for their meeting to be changed to Tuesday. Mr. Keesler is attending UNT and Thunday nights is a scheduled class night, and Mr. Keesler would like to be able to attend the board meetings. Consensus of the Board to go ahead and change the meetings to Tuesdays. 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Mike James to Adjourn. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried unanimously.