01/16/1997-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission January 16, 1997 PRESENT: Chairperson Glenn Shaw, Charles Fenoglio, Mary Belle Sims, Roy Lemons ABSENT: Peggy Haskins, Betty Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chava, Burness Higgs, Marsha Higgs 1. Chairperson Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Charles Fenoglio to Approve November S, 1996 Minutes. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Roy Lemons to correct Minutes of January 2, 1996 with two amendments to correct Mary Belle Sims and Roy Lemons. Seconded by Charles Fenoglio. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider ET J Preliminary/Final Plat of Fallmeadow Phase I, Lots 1 -8, being part of the Reuben Bebee Suney, Abstract No. 29, 17.62 acres more or less being located on Union Hill Road. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Opened. Mr. Keesler addressed this item indicating that this plat falls within the ET J. In order for 1 the county to proceed with their process the City has to approve it first. Mr. Higgs presented the plat restrictions to the board for their review. Discussed. Chairperson Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding ET J Preliminary/Final Plat ofFallmeadow Phase I, Lots 1 -8, being part of the Reuben Bebee Suney, Abstract No. 29, 17.62 acres more or less being located on Union Hill Road. Motion was made by Charles Fenoglio to Accept the ETJ Preliminary/Final Plat of P&Z MINUTES -PAGE 2 Fallmeadow Phase I, Lots 1-8. Seconded by Roy Lemons. Motion Carried unanimously. S Any Oth~r Such Matten. JANUARY 16, 1997 1) There was discussion concerning the scheduling of the meetings. It was the consensus of the Board to set the meetings for the Thunday prior to the City Council meetings. 2) Discussed was the possibility of getting involved in long range planning for the City in areas such as streets, water, etc. 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Mary Belle Sims to Adjourn. Seconded by Charles Fenoglio.