02/19/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission February 19, 1998 PRESENT: Richard Derryberry, Mary Belle Sims, Joe Falls, Rick Carter ABSENT: Charles Fenoglio, Roy Lemons, Peggy Baskins OTHERS PRESENT: Administrative secretary Cheryl King, Gene Hughes, John Bickman 1. Acting Chairperson Falls Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Minutes were not available for approval. 3. Conduct Public Bearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF-4 to SF-4A on property legally described as Sullivan West Block 4 (bottom half). Said property is located on 8th Street. Acting Chairperson Falls Opened the Public Bearing. John Bickman, 507 N. 7th, had some questions regarding the structure that Mr. Gene Hughes wanted to build. Be was concerned whether or not this was going to be a rental, or if Mr. Hughes was going to sell his house. Mr. Bickman further stated that some of the structures in his surrounding neighborhood were very dilapidated and in need of demolition. Mr. Gene Hughes addressed Mr . Bickman' s concerns and assured him that this property would be sold. Mr. Hughes continued to visit with Mr. Bickman until all his questions and concerns were answered. No one spoke against. Acting Chairperson Falls Closed the Public Bearing. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change from SF-4 to SF-4A on property legally described as Sullivan West Block 4 (bottom half). Said property is located on 8th Street. Motion was made by Richard Derryberry to Approve zoning Change from SF-4 to SF-4A on property legally described as Sullivan West Block 4 (bottom half). Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. None. P&Z MINUTES 02/19/98 4 • Adjournment . PAGE 2 Motion was made by Rick Carter to Adjourn. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously.