04/30/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission April 30, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mary BeUeSims,Richard Derryberry, Rick Carter, Roy Lemons ABSENT: Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, James Clay, Judy & Don Jost, Mike Scott, Jan Morris, Clayton Harden 1. Chairpenon Fenoglio Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Mary Belle Sims to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tienvester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Chairpenon Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. James Clay from Impact Outdoor Advertising addressed the Board on the billboard located at Miguelitos Mexican Restaurant which is property owned by John Porter. Mr. Porter has been approached by a major fast food business which wants to buy that particular property and locate there contingent upon that billboard being moved. They would like to accommodate Mr •. Porter and the City of Sanger by moving the billboard at their expense to the new location. The new location will be 1,650' south of the billboard located at Hilz Snider McNatt. Mr. Clay indicated they will also need to obtain a City and State Permit also and it will be in compliance with State and City Ordinance Codes. The billboard will be moved 750' north, which is undeveloped land. There was discussion about how far north they would move the billboard. In the letter which was sent to the property ownen by the City Secretary it indicated 350' Jan Morris with her father Clayton Hardin expressed their concern on how far it would be moved. P&ZMINUTES 04/30/98 Chairpenon Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Closed. PAGE2 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Motion was made by Richard Derryberry to Approve Specific Use Permit. Roy Lemons indicated he was penonally against approving this request. Mr. Lemons indicated they have an opportunity to get rid of an "eye sore", and any billboard on the Intentate is an "eye sore", and he indicated the request should be turned down. Mr. Clay indicated if the request was denied then they would leave the sign where it is. Mr. Lemons also indicated he is penonally against anything Mr. Porter owns in this town He has the biggest "eye sore" in Sanger, Texas. The property across from GNB is a disgrace. He bas old trucks, equipment, and be thinks that they should not approve anything Mr. Porter requests until be cleans bis ''mess" up. Lengthy discussion followed in regards to the property that needs to be cleaned up. Jan Morris -representing her father Clayton Hardin, again expressed their concern on how many feet it would be moved. The letter sent by the City Secretary indicated 350', and they are requesting 750'. How will they be assured that they will not change it again. The City Secretary clarified that the 350' came directly in convenation with Mr. Clay ' from East Texas Sign Co. and the City Secretary's secretary. Discussion continued and Mr. Clay indicated that possibly it was 350'. Mr. Clay stated they will be the party to lose if they have to move the sign, and their intention is to accommodate the property owner. Mr. Lemons continued to express his opposition in regards to this issue and indicated there was possibly a "hidden agenda". Discussion followed between Mr. Clay and Mr. Lemons. Richard Derryberry indicted that billboards are more beneficial than being an "eye sore". Rick Carter also expressed that Roy Lemons brought out good points on billboards. P&ZMINUTES PAGE3 04/30/98 Mary BeUe Sims expressed that the possibility of this new business moving here in pending on the billboard being moved. Chairperson Fenoglio again asked for the second to the motion. Mary BeUe Sims Seconded the Motion. Voting For: Richard Derryberry Mary BeUe Sims Voting Against: Charles Fenoglio Roy Lemons Rick Carter Motion failed 3-2. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. Mr. Clay addressed this item. This location is earmarked for permanent location and will be located between the Jost property and Mr. Veanueva's. Mr. Veanueva is willing to lease part of his property for the location of the billboard. The billboard will be used by the school district for the fint 12 months. Mr. Rosenburg stated they are trying to enhance the image of the school district and increase revenues. The SISD will use the billboard for 12 months, possibly 24 months. Their possible return of investment might be within S or 6 years. The location was discussed by the board as being crowded. Rick Carter indicated it would be in a "cluttered" location. Judy Jost addressed the board and advised that they live next to the property where they want to put the proposed billboard. This billboard sign would be in their bedroom window, and both she and Don opposed the location due to this fact. Mike Scott, representing the Dairy Queen also opposed the billboard sign. Mr. Scott's concern was the location of the area is too close to businesses in the area. He indicated any billboard sign needs to be outside of the City limits. He indicated he felt the two P&ZMINUTES 04/30/98 requests were tied together. Roy Lemons expressed his concern in regards to billboard signs in Sanger. Lengthy discussion followed. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Closed. PAGE4 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Permit.to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Motion was made by Ricky Carter to Disapprove Request for Specific Use Permit. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. 7 Any Other Such Matten. None. 8. Adjournment.