08/13/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: P&Z MEETING AUGUST 13,1998 PRESENT: Mary Belle Sims, Richard Derryberry, Joe Falls, Charles Fenoglio, Rick Carter ABSENT: Roy Lemons OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Shirlene Wright, J.L. Wright, Burl Bourland, Carmen Bourland 1. Chairperson Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. There were no minutes to approve. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Public Hearing Opened. Shirlene Wright indicated that she had the impression that SF3 was three houses to an acre. She indicated that what Mr. Bourland wanted to put on this land was more than three houses to an acre. She indicated that she and her family lived next to the property in question, and that the type of houses Mr. Bourland wanted to put on the property were too small, too close together, would be a fire hazard, and cause property values to go down. Discussion on the restrictions for SF3 zoning. Discussion on if Mr. Bourland was requesting SF3 zoning. City Secretary, and Mr. Bourland indicated he was. City Secretary indicated his drawing was more than three units per acre, but they were with in the lot size restriction which was 60'X100'. Discussion on the restrictions, and whether the restriction was the size of the lot, or if they were restricted to 3 units per acre. City Secretary indicated the size of the lot was the required size, and that the home Mr. Bourland was planning to build on these lots was within all the requirements of the ordinance, and the lot would accommodate it with all the required setbacks etc. City Secretary indicated that staff had sent out twenty nine letters to property owners, and out of the twenty nine, five had responded, and only one had disapproved. Mr. Bourland indicated there were not any homes in Sanger for sale, or any lots in town where a nice home could be built. He indicated that he was trying to provide homes for people who wanted to move into this area. Discussion about on-street parking in the already existing Bourland Addition. City Administrator indicated this hearing was for the purpose of Changing the zoning on this property from Agriculture to Single Family 3, the purpose was not to approve the plat, or approve more than three houses to an acre. He indicated this was solely for the purpose of allowing him to build houses, not necessarily as many houses as were presented in the drawing. Discussion on restrictions, and whether the restriction is three units per acre or 6000 sq ft. lots. Joe Falls asked if it was possible to have a 1200 sq ft. house with a two car garage on this size lot without making an exception in the requirements as far as setbacks. Mr. Bourland explained the house would be 1200 sq ft., with approximately 400 sq ft. for the garage, including the porch the total slab area would be approximately 1900 sq ft., it would exceed all requirements for SF3 zoning. Mary Belle Sims indicated once again, they were only there to approve the zoning change, and not the building plans. Rick Carter indicated to Mr. Bourland that before it comes before them to approve the final plat, he will need to change the plans and reduce the number of lots. City Secretary indicated before it comes before them for final plat, it could be sent to the City Engineer for his recommendation and approval, and he could advise on the restrictions and code concerning the lot size. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Joe Falls made motion to approve a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Seconded by Richard Derryberry. Motion Carried Unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn.