09/17/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fegnolio, Joe Falls, Ricky Carter, Woodrow Barton, Mary Belle Sims, Richard Derryberry, Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Kevin Murphy 1. Chairman Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. There were two sets of minute to approve. Motion made by Ricky Carter to approve minutes of July 31, 1998. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried. Abstaining: Woodrow Barton Joe Higgs Motion made by Ricky Carter to approve minutes of August 13, 1998. Seconded by Richard Derryberry. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Final Replat of property legally described as Lot llR-1, and Lot llR-2. Block A., Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1. Chairperson Fenoglio declared public hearing opened. Kevin Murphy addressed the Board, and presented corrected Plats since there was a discrepancy between the dedication of 430.73 and the drawing of 403.73 for the distance of the last property line. Mr. Murphy also indicated the certificate of approval for the signature of the Planning And Zoning Chairman was also added to the Plat. Mr. Barton asked a question in regards to the original Plat, in regards to Lot 11, he wanted to know what their intention was at this time, and why they were subdividing it. Mr. Murphy indicated on the original Plat the lot consisted of 3.2 acres, which had a pond on the lot. The pond was not part of the drainage plan, and they made sure it was not included. Mr. Murphy indicated at that time they thought the pond would be an indemnity that a landowner would find attractive, and it included enough acreage for a house next to the pond; however, they have found that people are not inclined to live next to a pond. The market response has not been what they expected. There intent is to fill the pond when they do their construction on the second phase. Mr. Barton expressed concerns regarding Lot llR-1 and placement ofa septic tank and septic system on the property and whether or not it would be in the flood plain. Mr. Murphy indicated the area where the drainage easement comes across is low, then there is a step, and the building site is just on top of that step. Mr. Barton expressed his concern as to the septic system being in the lower area and possibly being subject to floods, especially when they start Phase II. The drainage on the west side of their development comes down to their road. Mr. Murphy indicated the drainage ditch in that area was sized properly based on the flows coming from Phase II, and he does not think there will be much flooding. Mr. Murphy continued to express that the culverts, and side bar ditches on both sides of the road were sized appropriately considering the development coming from Phase II. Mr. Murphy indicated that siting the septic tank would not be a problem. Joe Higgs indicated what Mr. Barton was trying to explain is that once they take out the easement for the drainage, it would possibly not leave the one acre necessary for the county restrictions. Mr. Murphy indicated he had not yet done the calculations; however, he believed it would. Mr. Barton indicated, after he did some calculations, he believed it would clear the one acre necessary for the county. Discussion. Mr. Murphy indicated Phase II would probably be ready for presentation within the next three weeks. There was brief discussion on development of other surrounding properties, and drainage concerns were expressed. Chairperson Fenoglio declared public hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Replat of property legally described as Lot llR-1, and Lot llR-2. Block A., Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1. Motion made by Woodrow Barton to approve Final Replat of property legally described as Lot llR-1, and Lot llR-2. Block A., Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1. Seconded by Joe Falls. Motion Carried. S. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Meeting Adjourned.