11/12/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Woodrow Barton, Mary Belle Sims, Ricky Carter, Joe Higgs, and Joe Falls. OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chava, Burl Bourland, Jerry Jenkins, Rhonda Cockrell, James Gage, Michael Kern, David Arnold, C.G. McNeill, Dan Kress, Jerald Yensan, Fern Hutto, Doug Johnson, Jenny Hall, John Love, Toni Volz, Terry Volz, Shirlene Wright, J.L. Wright, Pie Beard, Rosene Sebastian, Mary Burdick, Kieth Burdick, Lynn Stucky D. V .M. 1. Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting To Order. 2. Approve Minutes -October 29, 1998. Woodrow Barton Indicated that Joe Higgs was present at the last meeting. Mary Belle Sims Moved to Approve Minutes with the exception of adding Joe Higgs. Seconded by Joe Higgs. Motion Carried Unanimously 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider A Zoning Request Change Form Industrial to MFl on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Block 14, of the J.R. Sullivan West Addition. Property is Located at 809 Plum St. Public Hearing Opened. Dan Kress, KM Properties, indicated he would like to build a six unit town house on the property. The unit would face 10 .. Street. He indicated the entry would be coming in from Plum Street. Mr. Barton asked if Mr. Kress intended to leave the existing house on the property and build the unit on the back of the lot. Mr. Kress indicated he did intend to. Discussed easement. Charles Fenoglio asked if Mr. Kress had discussed utilities, etc. with the City. Mr. Kress indicated he had not. Terry Lee Volz, 902 Plum, indicated be had been a resident of Sanger for fifteen yean. He indicated he worked for Denton County Road and Bridge. He indicated that when you have a trailer park or apartment complex you get trash. He indicated this unit would lower the property value of the houses in that area. Rosene Sebastian indicated the major problem she had was the size of the lot, and the fact that he was not going to tear down the existing structure, she could not see how he could fit the unit there, and provide adequate parking. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request Change From Industrial to MFl on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Block 14, of the J.R. Sullivan West Addition. Property is Located at 809 Plum Street. Mr. Barton indicated he was not in favor of spot re-zoning. Discussed sewer and drainage necessary for a six unit complex. Mr. Barton Moved to Disapprove Zoning Request Change. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried Unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Preliminary/Final Plat on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1 and Lot 6R-2 of Sanger Industrial Park,'Being a Replat of Lot 6R of Sanger Industrial Park. Property is Located on 1-35. Public Hearing Opened. Gerald Yenson, Landmark Surveyon, indicated he had prepared the plat for Dr. Stucky. He indicated Dr. Stucky's Lot will be the South Lot and the North Lot is still owned by Burrus Grocery Store. Discussed the Preliminary Plat. Discussed acreage. Mr. Barton indicated there was the Preliminary and the Final Plat, he asked if they were considering both of them. Mr. Venson indicated they were. Mr. Barton addressed drainage and indicated the Highway Department may need to get involved. Mr. Venson indicated the Plats had been submitted to the City, the City had submitted them to Mark Hill, the City's Engineer, and the drainage issue had been addressed and approved. Dr. Stucky addressed the Commission, he indicated in the past this property was divided into three or four lots, then was replatted into one large lot, and he was requesting for it to be divided into two lots because he couldn't afford the whole piece, and the owner did not want to sell the whole piece. Jenny Hall, 1004 Hunter's Ct., indicated she was not interested in having a large motel right next to a residential area, she indicated it would not have a positive impact on the property value.Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary/Final Plat on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1 and Lot 6R-2 of Sanger Industrial Park, Being a Replat of Lot 6R of Sanger Industrial Park. Property is Located on 1-35. Joe Falls Moved to Approve the Replat. Seconded by Joe Higgs. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B-1 to 8-2 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester~ Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This Property is Located at Spur 138 and 1-35. Rhonda Cockrell, 1002 Hunter's Court., indicated she had the same feeling, she indicated there were a lot of kids in the area, and did not think it was a good idea. Public Hearing Closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from B-1 to B-2 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This Property is Located at Spur 138 and 1-35. Joe Falls asked what the difference in B-1 and B-2 zoning was. City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated there was a chart in their zoning ordinance, and there were a few thing that B-2 allowed that B-1 did not allow. Mr. Barton indicated he did not think a hotel was a good idea, he indicated there was a new school in the area, and children walk to and from school in that area. Joe Falls indicated there needed to be someone there to represent the request to tell them bow it could benefit the community, otherwise he would oppose the request. Joe Higgs Moved to oppose the Zoning change. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Bourland Court Estates, Being a total ofS.037 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Suney, Abstract 1241. Property is located off of Keaton Road. Burl Bourland addressed the commission, he indicated·he had met with all the City engineer's requirements. He had received his review and changed everything to be the way he bad asked. Discussed Streets. Mr. Bourland indicated he bad an eighty foot water retention at the end of the addition. Discussed Drainage. Mary Belle Sims indicated Mr. Bourland had contacted several property ownen in that area concerning drainage. Charles Fenoglio indicated there was a question on the street being wide enough. Mr. Bourland indicated the zoning required a twenty six foot wide street, and his was thirty one foot with a fifty foot right of way. Discussed acreage within the addition. Discussed the number of lots in the addition. Mr. Barton indicated there should be only 17.6 lots in the addition according to the acreage. I Mr. Bourland indicated he bad conformed to everything the City Engineer had required. Mr. Bafton indicated he did not see sidewalks on the plans, he indicated there was no allowance for·playgrounds. Mr. Bourland indicated there were not playgrounds in any of the developments in Sanger~ Mr. Barton indicated he felt the addition should include a playground to enhance development. Mr. Ba.rton indicated the ordinance required sidewalks and alleys, and there were none in his development. Mr. Barton indicated he was told the water line should be eight inches rather than six inches. He also addressed the sanitary system. Mark Hill, City Engineer, indicated this plat had gone through the city office several times. He indicated drainage was a key issue with him also, and they bad made some ·modifications. He indicated the issue on water was not a problem. Mr. Hill indicated the density was an average, not a maximum, as far as being 3.5 units per acre. He indicated as far as that issue it did conform to the ordinance. Mr. Hill indicated sidewalks and aUeys was not something be was sure of, be did not know where in the ordinance it was required, but he would check it in the future. Discussed drainage further. Discussed sidewalks and aUeys. Mark Hill indicated these items could be waived as they have in most additions, he indicated the City Council could waive these -requirements and would consider the Planning and Zoning ColDIDission's recommendation. He indicated by submitting the plans without sidewalks or aUeys, this was a request to waive these requirements. Discussed maintenance of easements on lots 10 and 11. Doug Johnson, 817 Vernon Court, indicated Mr. Bourland intended to put a sewer line on the west side of his property, he indicated Mr. Bourland showed to have a ten foot easement, but indicated there was only eight and a half foot from the next door neighbor's house to bis property line. He indicated the easement was to large to fit on the property indicated. Discussed Sewer Line. Mark Hill indicated the ordinance stated the requirements for aUey and sidewalks can be waived. i Woodrow Barton moved to disapprove of the Preliminary/Final Plat until the plans are brought back with sidewalks and alleys to comply with the subdivision ordinance. Motion died due to lack of second. Joe Falls gave a brief statement. Motion was made by Joe Falls to approve the Preliminary/Final Plat. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion was tied 3 to 3. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Retail Division, Being 0.800 of an Acre on Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Dollar General Store Site. Property is Located on Spur 138 (Next to New Post Office). Mike Kern with Kern Surveying addressed the Board, be indicated be bad prepared the plats for the Dollar General Store. Mr. Kem indicated John Porter's preliminary plat for the subdivision had not been submitted prior to this plat being submitted. Greg Edwards addressed the Boa~ and indicated they did have a plan for the development. Mr. Edwards indicated there was a grant that had been applied for, and it had fell through due to a business not punuing the purchase. Discussed dninage. Joe Falls expressed a concern about dninage. Mark hill indicated he was fmishing up the Preliminary Plans, and that he did his review with the Preliminary Plans for the Industrial Park in hand. Woodrow Barton expressed concerns on alleys. Discussion on alleys. Motion was made by Joe Falls to deny this Preliminary/Final Plat as presented. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. 11. Any Other Such Matten. None. 12. Meeting Adjourned.