11/17/1998-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING NOVEMBER 17, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Woodrow Barton, Rick Carter, Joe Falls, Joe Higgs, Mary Belle Sims, Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Michael Kem, John R. Porter, Greg Edwards, 1. Chairperson Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park a 41 Lot Subdivision, Being 108.49 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29 (John Porter's). Greg Edwards, Civil Engineer, 300 W. Carroll Blvd., Denton -addressed comments from Mark Hill, the City's engineer. He indicated there were two items they were not in agreement with. Item #6 stated there needed to be alleys, he indicated there was a provision in the Ordinance that allowed the alleys to be waived according to the size of the lots, he felt the lot size was sufficient, and alleys were not necessary. He addressed Item #8 of Mark Hill's letter, which indicated there needed to be a 500 foot radius curve on the street, they had a 300 foot radius curve, this was appropriate according to Denton, and would allow a 35 MPH speed limit. Woodrow Barton asked if the commission agreed with his analysis regarding the radius of the street, and the alleys would they be willing to conform with everything else in the Ordinance, for example, sidewalks. John Porter asked if the commission would allow the sidewalks to be put in as the lots are sold and developed. Discussion on sidewalks. Greg Edwards indicated as an engineer, he would not encourage pedestrians along the highway, he indicated the City of Denton had an approved pedestrian access plan, and indicated that could be a sidewalk or other type of approved access. Woodrow indicated he would like the Department Heads to put there comments in writing. Discussed Parking, and possibly restricting parking on the street. Joe Falls expressed concerns about drainage. Discussed drainage. Greg Edwards indicated he had looked at the drainage situation, they had a lot in that area reserved for a retention spot, he indicated Phase I was considerably less than one percent, and when you look at the methodology of calculating the flows the soil absorption is very low, there is only a twenty to thirty percent increase in flows, he indicated he would like the commission to approve Phase I, and allow them to develop the retention pond in Phase II as shown on the plat. Mr. Porter indicated they would like to possibly donate some land in the upper right area to the City of Sanger for a park or ball field. Discussed drainage flows, flow line, and bottom elevation of the ditch North of the property. Mr. Barton expressed concerns about drainage in future developments. Lengthy discussion concerning drainage off the property. Discussed slowing drainage off property. Discussed drainage calculations, the amount of water that will flow into the retention pond and the amount of water that will flow out of the culvert designed to regulate the flow. Mr. Porter indicated they should not be concerned with the water flowing from property that is il<;>t theirs, but only the water that will flow from his property. I The commission agreed. More Discussion concerning drainage. Woodrow Barton wanted to know what Mr. Porter's thinking was concerning Lot I of this development. Mr. Porter indicated he was thinking a shopping center would be a good idea for that lot, and that the Dollar General Store could be a part of that. Discussed lot lines for lot I. Greg Edwards indicated this was a Preliminary plat, and eventually they would get the infrastructure in place, there will be some adjusting that will need to be done as the land is sold and developed. The fmal plats will be filed as the lots are developed. The City Secretary explained the purpose of having a preliminary plat, and filing the final plats as the lots are developed. Greg Edwards indicated the Preliminary plat was basically to show the city how the development would be serviced. Discussed the width of the right of way. Michael Kern indicated the right of way was eighty feet. Woodrow Barton moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Phase I, provided the items in Marie Hilrs letter be conformed with, with the exception of item #6 and Item #8, and that there be a type of approved pedestrian access plan as each lot is developed. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. Joe Falls opposed. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Retail Division, Being 0.800 of an Acre on land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29, Dollar General Store Site. Property is Located on Spur 138 (Next to New Post Office). Brief Discussion concerning pipe embedments. Addressed building permit, and the fence. Motion made by Joe Higgs to accept the Preliminary/Final Plat as presented. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned.