01/28/1999-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning January 28, 1999 Charles Fenoglio, Polly Dwyer, Mary Belle Sims, Joe Falls, Rick Carter, Joe Higgs City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Gary Hammet, Glenn Shaw 1. Charles Fenoglio called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 12, 1998 November 17, 1998 January 19, 1999 Rick Carter moved to approve all three (3) sets of minutes. Mary Belle Sims seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Sanger Facilities, LTD 3.607 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Gary Hammet presented revised plats indicating the utility easements for water and sewer. Discussion on easement. Mr. Hammet indicated there is a 6" existing water and an 8" sanitary sewer in the easements and they are about six feet apart. He indicated the water line goes all the way to Nickerson's Farms. Discussed if the property was all in the city limits. Polly Dwyer asked if there were any plans to sell the rest of the property or to put a street through there. Glenn Shaw indicated that was not possible because the property in the back was all in the flood plain and is useless. Glenn Shaw indicated they never intend to put a street. Discussion. Polly Dwyer addressed set back requirements. Discussion. Polly Dwyer asked some questions in regards to construction plans and addressed some concerns in regards to the flood plain. Discussion. Joe Higgs indicated this was just one plat out of the whole tract. Gary Hammet addressed what the developer would be required to do if the flood plain area was developed. Discussion. Polly Dwyer addressed drainage. Discussion. Glenn Shaw indicated there was about a four foot fall in the drop behind his property. Joe Higgs addressed the water and sewer lines and how deep they are. I Discussed the drainage .flow of water and the depth of the water line. Polly Dwyer asked if it was okay that they did not have a plat of the whole subdivision. Jack Smith indicated he had spoke to the City Engineer and he indicated he had everything he needed. Mr. Smith indicated they were doing the same thing they did on the Sanger Industrial Park, subdividing the property one lot at a time with a final plat, the difference is on the Industrial park they have a preliminary plat, Sable has not submitted a preliminary and they need to get that from him. Mr. Smith addressed the landscape ordinances. t Glenn Shaw indicated he will comply with the landscape ordinance and the building ordinance. Discussion regarding getting a preliminary plat on the entire subdivision from Mr. Sable. Rick Carter moved to consider the Preliminary/Final Plat for Sanger Facilities, LID., 3.607 Ac~es in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Seconded by Joe Falls. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. S. Meeting Adjourned.