AUGUST 19, 1999
PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mark Bulger, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ralph Cain
ABSENT: Jack Richardson, Joe Falls
PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative
Assistant Samantha Renz, Bill Fuller, Joyce Fuller, John W. Porter, Helen Giese,
Glen Giese, Yvonne Cain, Fred Yeatts, John Dudas, Benny Johnson, Prentice
Preston, Allen Bussell ,Larry Wiens, Art Kramer, Ralph Amyx, Abe Milar, Zelma
Milar, Shirley Raisler, Amy Wells, Greg Edwards, Curt Roberts
1. Chairperson Fenoglio Call Meeting to Order.
2. Approve Minutes -May 27, 1999
August 12, 1999
Ralph Cain moved to approve May 27 minutes.
Shelley Ruland seconded.
Motion Carried unanimously.
Shelley Ruland moved to approve August 12 minutes.
Mark Bulger seconded.
Motion Carried unanimously.
3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change Request From AG (Agricultural) to
MH-2 (Mobile-Home 2) on Property Legally Described as an 82.44 Acre Tract in the
McKinney & Williams Survey, Abstract 940, and the W. Hudson Survey, Abstract 562. This
Property is Located on Cowling Rd.
Chairpenon Fenoglio declared public Hearing open.
Greg Edwards, 300 N. Carroll Blvd., Denton, spoke in favor of the request. He indicated
Sanger has a need for affordable housing, and indicated this would be a quality project.
Mr. Edwards addressed recreational space, City Services, and drainage facilities. He gave
statistics regarding the families who live in mobile home communities, and estimated
revenues to the city.
Larry Williams, representing Oakwood homes, spoke in favor of the request. Be indicated
that mobile homes are now built according to BUD standards. Be addressed restrictions of
the community, and the depreciation rate. Be also showed pictures of other sites to the
Belen Giese, Cowling Road, spoke in opposition of the request. She addressed the impact
on the school district, impact on Cowling Road, and the impact on the water and sewer
systems. Ms. Giese also addressed taxes, and asked about the comparison to site built
homes. She indicate she did not think this was best for the City.
Bill Fuller, Creekview Rd, spoke in opposition of the request. Be also expressed concerns
regarding the impact on the school district and on Cowling Road. Be asked if the developer
would put the assurances in writing.
Benny Johnson, 114 Southside Dr., spoke in opposition, he expressed concerns regarding
traffic and the maintenance of Cowling Road.
Art Kramer, representing the Willowood Development, expressed concerns regarding how
this mobile home park would detract from property values.
Nim Ashley spoke in opposition of the request, and indicated he was concerned about the
security of his investment, he owns the property adjacent to this proposed development.
Kirt Roberts, Diane Dr., spoke in opposition of the request. Be indicated he bad spent
money upgrading bis home, and would be disappointed if the City allowed this development
that would decrease property values drastically.
Zelma Milar indicated she felt this would decrease property values.
Chairperson Fenoglio asked if there was a City Ordinance regarding Mobile Home Parks.
City Administrator indicated Mobile Home Parks were allowed in MB Zoning.
Public Bearing closed.
4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change Request From AG (Agricultural)
to MB-2 (Mobile-Home 2) on Property Legally Described as an 82.44 Acre Tract in the
McKinney & Williams Survey, Abstnct 940, and the W. Hudson Survey, Abstnct 562. This
Property is Located on Cowling Rd.
Chairperson Fenoglio asked Gregg Edwards if he would break down the taxes.
Mr. Edwards indicated 70% would be school taxes, 20% city and 10% county.
Discussed average tax per home.
Discussed lot size, and which direction houses would face on the lots.
Chairperson Fenoglio asked about management of the community.
Mr. Williams indicated there would be on-site management.
Shelley Ruland asked what happens when there is a foreclosure.
Mr. Williams indicated the house is normally re-sold.
Discussion regarding depreciation.
Discussion regarding utilities, and traffic flow.
Discussion concerning lift station at Cowling, and sewer problems in that area.
Mark Bulger moves to disapprove the request.
Ralph Cain seconded.
Motion Carried unanimously.
S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Replat for Sanger Industrial Park a
108.49 Acre Subdivision in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is Located on
the 1-35 and Spur 138.
Chairperson Fenioglio asked if the Plat met all the requirements.
City Administrator indicated it did.
City Secretary indicated the Fleetwood Plat did not get approved by the City Council due to
this Preliminary Plat not yet being approved.
Discussed parking and the roads.
Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Replat.
Mark Bulger seconded.
Motion Carried unanimously.
6. Any Other Such Matters.
7. Meeting Adjourned.