03-12-20-Ordinance-Implementing an Emergency Management Plan Covid-19-03/27/2020U ORDINANCE NO.03-12-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; CONTINUING THE DECLARATION OF LOCAL DISASTER; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITY'S EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN; PROVIDING PROMPT AND GENERAL PUBLICITY; DECLARING A LOCAL DISASTER FOR PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY AND ADOPTING EMERGENCY ORDER DATED MARCH 25, 2020, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; GRANTING THE MAYOR THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO REVIEW, ADOPT, RATIFY, AND EXECUTE ANY SUBSEQUENT DENTON COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDERS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED $1,000.00 AS AUTHORIZED BY STATE LAW FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, beginning in December 2019, a novel coronavirus, now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19, has spread through the world and has now been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization; and WHEREAS, extraordinary measures must be taken to contain COVID-19 and prevent its spread throughout Denton County, including the quarantine of individuals, groups of individuals, and property and, additionally, including compelling individuals, groups of individuals, or property to undergo additional health measures that prevent or control the spread of disease; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas has determined that extraordinary measures must be taken to alleviate the suffering of people and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a local state of disaster for public health emergency has been declared for Sanger, Texas, by Declaration of Mayor Thomas Muir on March 25, 2020, pursuant to section 418.108 (a) of the Texas Government Code. SECTION 2. That pursuant to section 418.108 (b) of the Government Code, the state of disaster for public health emergency declared by the Mayor is renewed and continued indefinitely from the date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That the City's Emergency Management Plan has been implemented in accordance with the Code of Ordinances. SECTION 4. That the Mayor's Emergency Orders dated March 25, 2020, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", are hereby ratified and adopted as Emergency Orders of the City of Sanger, Texas. Page 1 of 2 (3-26-2020) SECTION 5. That the Mayor shall be delegated and given the fall power and authority of the City Council to review, ratify, and adopt any subsequent Denton County Emergency Orders relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the Mayor may execute any further declaration or other document to ratify and adopt any such order. SECTION 6. That pursuant to Section 418.108 (c) of the Texas Government Code, this ordinance shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the City Secretary. SECTION 7. That a violation of the Orders adopted by this ordinance, as may be amended as provided herein, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.00 for each offense as provided by state law. SECTION 8. That all ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. That if any section, paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance or any other provision of the ordinances of the City of Sanger. SECTION 10. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THE 4�'DAY OF 2020. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney(RLD/114728) Page 2 of 2 (3-26-2020) APPROVED: h e OF S , '; ICY •HOMWI w E,5T: h MAYOR CITY SECRETARY EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE 03-12-20 REVISED DECLARATION OF LOCAL DISASTER FOR PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY WHEREAS, beginning in December 2019, a novel coronavirus, now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19, has spread through the world and has now been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization; and, WHEREAS, symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. In some cases, the virus has caused death; and, WHEREAS, extraordinary measures must be taken to contain COVID-19 and prevent its spread throughout the City of Sanger, Texas, including the quarantine of individuals, groups of individuals, and property as well as compelling individuals, groups of individuals, or property to undergo additional health measures that prevent or control the spread of disease; and, WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the Governor of the State of Texas has declared a state of disaster for the State of Texas. WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, Judge Andy Eads of Denton County, Texas declared a disaster for the County of Denton and signed an Executive Order Amendment for Denton County, Texas:. NOW, THEREFORE, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 418.108, I, THOMAS MUIR, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT: SECTION 1. A local state of disaster for public health emergency is hereby declared for the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, pursuant to Section 418.108(a) of the Texas Government Code. SECTION 2. Pursuant to Section 418.108(b) of the Government Code, the state of disaster for public health emergency shall continue for a period of not more than seven days from the date of this declaration unless continued or renewed by the City Council of Sanger, Texas. SECTION 3. Pursuant to section 418.108(c) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster for public health emergency shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the City Secretary. SECTION 4. Pursuant to Section 418.108(d) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster activates the City of Sanger emergency management plan. SECTION 5. Rules and restrictions set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto are incorporated herein by reference and made applicable in the City of Sanger. SECTION 6. POSTING OF THESE REGULATIONS. The owner, manager, or operator of any facility that is likely to be impacted by these regulations shall post a copy of these regulations onsite and visible to users of the facility and provide a copy to any user of the facility asking for a copy. SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any subsection, sentence; clause, phrase, or word of these regulations or any application of them to any person, structure, gathering, or circumstance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of these regulations. SECTION S. EFFECTIVE DATE: These regulations shall be effective as of 11:59 p.m. on March 25, 2020 and continuing for seven days from the date of this declaration unless continued or renewed by the City Council of Sanger, Texas. DECLARED this 25th Day of March 2020 ;.-���z�'� Gr,Q�' � • i��-tip__ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor City of Sanger, Texas FILED AND ATTESTED with me, The City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas on this the 25th Day of March, 2020 �l%/n . zj�"' / Cheryl Pr' , Cify Secretary City of anger, Texas 4840 EXHIBIT "A" DENTON COUNTY y Executive Order AE-20-03-24 '+y March 24, 2020 DISASTER DECLARATION AND EXECUTIVE ORDER AMENDMENT OF THE DENTON COUNTY JUDGE Andy Eads WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 418.108, Denton County Judge Andy Eads issued the first Executive Order on March 13, 2020, due to a novel coronavirus now designated BARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19; and WHEREAS, County Commissioners issued a renewal as a Disaster Declaration on March 17, 2020 in Court Order 20-020, the first amendment was issued by County Judge through Executive Order on March 18, 2020, and a second amendment was issued by County Judge through Executive Order on March 22, 2020; and WHEREAS, the on -going evaluation of circumstances related to the virus and the updated recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, Texas Department of State Health Services, and the Denton County Department of Public Health, warrant the March 22, 2020, Order of County Judge Andy Eads be amended; and WHEREAS, an innovative response is required to mitigate the future spread of COVID-19 to protect the citizens and businesses of Denton County and all incorporated and unincorporated areas; and THEREFORE, the March 22, 2020, Executive Order of County Judge Andy Eads is hereby AMENDED as follows: Summary: The virus that causes 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is easily transmitted through person to person contact making it essential to slow the spread of the virus. This Order is for supporting the public and private health care providers ability to handle the influx of new patients and safeguard public health and safety. Because of the risk of the rapid spread of the virus and the need to protect the most vulnerable members of the community this Order requires all individuals in Denton County to STAY AT HOME — except for specific essential activities and work to provide essential business and government services or perform essential public infrastructure construction, including housing. UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 418.108, DENTON COUNTY JUDGE ANDY EADS ORDERS: Effective as of 11:59 p.m. on March 25, 2020, and continuing for seven days, unless extended by the Denton County Commissioners Court or rescinded by the County Judge: a. All individuals currently living within Denton County are ordered to STAY AT HOME or their current place of residence. For the purposes of this Order, residences include hotels, motels, shared rentals, and similar facilities. To the extent individuals are using shared or outdoor spaces, they must at all times as reasonably as possible maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person when they are outside their residence. All persons may leave their residences only for Essential Activities, travel to businesses outside Denton County, provide or perform Essential Governmental Functions, or to operate Essential Businesses, all as defined in Section 2. b. All businesses operating within Denton County, except Essential Businesses as defined below in Section 2, are required to cease all activities at facilities located within Denton County. To the. greatest extent possible, all Essential Businesses shall comply with the Social Distancing Guideline set forth by the CDC, including maintaining six-foot social distancing for both employees and the general public. c. All public or private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except as otherwise provided herein. Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members of a household or living unit (an apartment or house for use by one family). d. Restaurants and beverage bars with or without drive-in or drive -through services and microbreweries,, micro -distilleries, or wineries may only provide take out, delivery, or drive -through services as allowed by law. e. Religious and worship services may only be provided by video and teleconference. All individuals must follow the Social Distancing Guidelines as set forth by the CDC, including the six-foot social distancing. £ All elective medical, surgical, and dental procedures are prohibited anywhere in Denton County. Hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, dental offices, and other medical facilities are directed to identify procedures that are deemed "elective" by assessing which procedures can be postponed or canceled based on patient risk considering the emergency need for the redirection of resources to COVID-19 response. 2. Definitions: a. For purposes of this Order, individuals may leave their residence only to perform any of the following "Essential Activities": i. To engage in activities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members including pets and livestock (for example, obtaining medical supplies or medication, visiting a health care professional, or obtaining supplies need to work from home). ii. To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family or household members, or to deliver those services or supplies to others (for example, food, pet supply, and any other household consumer products, and products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences. Oa iii. To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with social distancing requirements of six feet, except as family units (for example, walking, biking, hiking, or running). Use of public playground equipment is prohibited. iv. To perform work providing essential products and services at an Essential Business or to carry out activities permitted explicitly in this Order. v. To care for a family member or pet in another household. b. For purposes of this Order, "Essential Businesses" as identified by the National Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), Memorandum of Essential Critical Infrastructure document version 1.1 and is further expanded upon: i. Essential Healthcare Operations. Healthcare operations, including hospitals, clinics, dentists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, other healthcare facilities, healthcare suppliers, mental health providers, substance abuse service providers, blood banks, medical research, laboratory services, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services. Home -based and residential -based care for seniors, adults, or children are also considered healthcare operations. Healthcare operations also include veterinary care and all health and welfare services provided to animals. This exemption shall be viewed broadly to avoid any impacts on the delivery of healthcare. Healthcare operations do not include fitness and exercise gyms and similar facilities. Healthcare operations do not include elective medical, surgical, and dental procedures as established in accordance with Subsection 1(f) of this Order. ii. Essential Government Functions. All services provided by local governments needed to ensure the continuing operation of the government agencies to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public. Further, nothing in this Order shall prohibit any individual from performing or accessing "Essential Government Functions." All Essential Government Functions. shall be performed in compliance with social distancing requirements of six feet, to the extent possible. State or Federal government agencies shall follow State or Federal guidance to the extent possible. iii. Education. The Superintendent, Headmaster, or CEO of a school district, charter school, or private school shall designate school personnel who are essential to the operation and support of distance -learning for students, preparation and distribution of meals to students, and maintenance/cleaning of facilities during the time of this Order. iv. Essential Critical Infrastructure. Work necessary to the operations and maintenance of the critical infrastructure sectors as identified by the National Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), Memorandum of Essential Critical Infrastructure (attached herein), including public works construction, residential and commercial construction, airport operations, water, sewer, gas, electrical, oil refining, roads and highways, public transportation, solid waste collection and removal, Internet, and telecommunications systems (including the provision of essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing services, business infrastructure, communications, and web -based services), banks, financial institutions, pawn shops, safety and security related services, retail firearm sales, defense and national security -related operations, essential manufacturing operations provided that they carry out those services or that 3 2. 3. work in compliance with social distancing requirements of six -feet, to the extent possible. Essential Businesses providing essential infrastructure should implement screening precautions to protect employees, and all activity shall be performed in compliance with Social Distancing Guidelines as set forth by the CDC. v. Essential Retail. Foodservice and household providers including; grocery stores, warehouse stores, big -box stores, liquor stores, gas stations and convenience stores, and farmers markets. Food gathering including; farming, hunting, fishing, and livestock to the extent allowed by law. Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, goods or services directly to residences. Restaurants and other facilities that prepare and serve food, but only for delivery, carry out, or drive thru. Schools and other entities that typically provide free services to students or members of the public on a pick-up and take -away basis only. The restriction of delivery or carry out does not apply to cafes and restaurants located within hospitals and medical facilities. Laundromats, dry cleaners, and laundry service providers. Gas stations, auto -supply, auto and bicycle repair shops, construction supply stores, and hardware stores. Businesses supplying products people require to work from home. vi. Providers of Basic Necessities to Economically Disadvantaged Populations. Businesses, including non-profit organizations, that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy in va. Essential Services Necessary to Maintain Essential Operations of Residences or Other Essential Businesses. Trash and recycling collection, processing and disposal, mail and shipping services, building cleaning, maintenance and security, warehouse/distribution and fulfillment, storage for essential businesses, funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries. Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operations of residences and Essential Businesses. Professional services, such as legal services, accounting services, property management, and real-estate services, RV sales and services for housing, when required to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities. Businesses that supply other Essential Businesses with support or supplies needed to operate. viii. News Media. Newspapers, television, radio, and other media services. ix. Childcare Services. Childcare facilities providing services that enable employees exempted in this Order to work as permitted. Any manufacturer who retools their business for the purpose of manufacturing and producing ventilators and other medical equipment may qualify for an "Essential Business" exemption under this Order. Grocery stores, supermarkets, warehouse stores, hospitals, and medical facilities are experiencing high levels of demand for a large number of products, requiring more deliveries from manufacturers and distribution centers to serve their customers. Many Texas cities and local associations have implemented restrictions on delivery hours to stores to mitigate truck noise and traffic. Due to the need to deliver products as quickly and 4 efficiently as possible during this critical timeframe, this Order hereby suspends all delivery hour restrictions for transport to or from any entity involved in the selling or distribution of food products, medicine, or medical supplies and equipment in Denton County for the next 60 days. 4. Retail suppliers shall use commonsense rationing of household products and groceries that are in limited supply. 5. If someone in a household has tested positive for COVID-19, the household is ordered to isolate at home. Members of the household cannot go to work, school, or any other community function until cleared by a medical professional. 6. Nursing homes, retirement, and long-term care facilities are instructed by this order to prohibit non -essential visitors from accessing their facilities unless to provide critical assistance or for end -of -life visitation. 7. Public and private schools and institutions of higher education are instructed by this order to review and update their Emergency Management Plans at least 72 hours before students return to a classroom setting. 8. Texas Commissioned Peace Officers are hereby authorized to enforce this order. A violation of this order may be punishable through criminal or civil enforcement. A violation of this order is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days. A violation of this order may be enforced by the filing of a probable cause affidavit alleging the criminal violation with the appropriate court or by issuing a citation to the person violating, that contains written notice of the time and place the person must appear before a magistrate of this state, the name and address of the person charged, and the offense charged. 9. The County of Denton must promptly provide copies of this Order by posting on dentoncounty.gov. In addition, the owner, manager, or operator of any facility that is likely to be impacted by this Order is strongly encouraged to post a copy of this Order on site and to provide a copy to any member of the public asking for a copy. If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Order or any application of it to any person, structure, gathering, or circumstance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Order. TARS SO ORDERED, this 2411 day of March 2020. I" L�&= 6 Andy Eads luli t.0 County Judge County Clerk 3-a'-1- r 0 Date Filed and Attested: Denton County 5 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency Office of the Director Washington, DC 20528 CISA -'r�4r A GJ > D Ste` LYBER +wFpp$rRUCtURE March 19, 2020 MEMORANDUM ON IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS DURING COVID-19 RESPONSE FROM: Christopher C. Krebs Director Ci'-- Cybersecurity and Infrastructurelecurity Agency (CISA) As the Nation comes together to slow the spread of COVID-19, on March 16th, the President issued updated Coronavirus Guidance for America. This guidance states that: "If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. " The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) executes the Secretary of Homeland Security's responsibilities as assigned under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide strategic guidance, promote a national unity of effort, and coordinate the overall federal effort to ensure the security and resilience of the Nation's critical infrastructure. CISA uses trusted partnerships with both the public and private sectors to deliver infrastructure resilience assistance and guidance to a broad range of partners. In accordance with this mandate, and in collaboration with other federal agencies and the private sector, CISA developed an initial list of "Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers" to help State and local officials as they work to protect their communities, while ensuring continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security. The list can also inform critical infrastructure community decision -making to determine the sectors, sub -sectors, segments, or critical functions that should continue normal operations, appropriately modified to account for Centers for Disease Control (CDC) workforce and customer protection guidance. The attached list identifies workers who conduct a range of operations and services that are essential to continued critical infrastructure viability, including staffing operations centers, maintaining and repairing critical infrastructure, operating call centers, working construction, and performing management functions, among others. The industries they support represent, but are not necessarily limited to, medical and healthcare, telecommunications, information technology systems, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, energy, water and wastewater, law enforcement, and public works. We recognize that State, local, tribal, and territorial govermnents are ultimately in charge of implementing and executing response activities in communities under their jurisdiction, while the Federal Government is in a supporting role. As State and local communities consider COVID-19-related restrictions, CISA is offering this list to assist prioritizing activities related to continuity of operations and incident response, including the appropriate movement of critical infrastructure workers within and between jurisdictions. Accordingly, this list is advisory in nature. It is not, nor should it be considered to be, a federal directive or standard in and of itself. In addition, these identified sectors and workers are not intended to be the authoritative or exhaustive list of critical infrastructure sectors and functions that should continue during the COVID-19 response. Instead, State and local officials should use their own judgment in using their authorities and issuing implementation directives and guidance. Similarly, critical infrastructure industry partners will use their own judgment, informed by this list, to ensure continued operations of critical infrastructure services and functions. All decisions should appropriately balance public safety while ensuring the continued delivery of critical infrastructure services and functions. CISA will continue to work with you and our partners in the critical infrastructure community to update this list as the Nation's response to COVID-19 evolves. We also encourage you to submit how you might use this list so that we can develop a repository of use cases for broad sharing across the country. Should you have questions about this list, please contact CISA at CISA.CATCa�cisa.dhs.gov. Attachment: "Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response" Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience In COVID-19 Response Version 1.1 (March 23, 2020) THE IMPORTANCE OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS Functioning critical infrastructure is imperative during the response to the COVID-19 emergency for both public health and safety as well as community well-being. Certain critical infrastructure industries have a special responsibility in these times to continue operations. This guidance and accompanying list are intended to support State, Local, and industry partners in identifying the critical infrastructure sectors and the essential workers needed to maintain the services and functions Americans depend on daily and that need to be able to operate resiliently during the COVID-19 pandemic response. This document gives guidance to State, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions and the private sector on defining essential critical infrastructure workers. Promoting the ability of such workers to continue to work during periods of community restriction, access management, social distancing, or closure orders/directives is crucial to community resilience and continuity of essential functions. CONSIDERATIONS FOR GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS This list was developed in consultation with federal agency partners, industry experts, and State and local officials, and is based on several key principles: 1. Response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic are locally executed, State managed, and federally supported 2. Everyone should follow guidance from the CDC, as well as State and local government officials, regarding strategies to limit disease spread. 3. Workers should be encouraged to work remotely when possible and focus on core business activities. In - person, non -mandatory activities should be delayed until the resumption of normal operations. 4. When continuous remote work is not possible, businesses should enlist strategies to reduce the likelihood of spreading the disease. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, separating staff by off -setting shift hours or days and/or social distancing. These steps can preserve the workforce and allow operations to continue. 5. All organizations should implement their business continuity and pandemic plans, or put plans in place if they do not exist. Delaying implementation is not advised and puts at risk the viability of the business and the health and safety of the employees. 6. In the modern economy, reliance on technology and just -in -time supply chains means that certain workers must be able to access certain sites, facilities, and assets to ensure continuity of functions. 7. Government employees, such as emergency managers, and the business community need to establish and maintain lines of communication. 8. When government and businesses engage in discussions about critical infrastructure workers, they need to consider the implications of business operations beyond the jurisdiction where the asset or facility is located. Businesses can have sizeable economic and societal impacts as well as supply chain dependencies that are geographically distributed. 9. Whenever possible, jurisdictions should align access and movement control policies related to critical infrastructure workers to lower the burden of workers crossing jurisdictional boundaries. IDENTIFYING ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS The following list of sectors and identified essential critical infrastructure workers are an initial recommended set and are intended to be overly inclusive reflecting the diversity of industries across the United States. CISA will continually solicit and accept feedback on the list (both sectors/sub sectors and identified essential workers) and will evolve the list in response to stakeholder feedback. We will also use our various stakeholder engagement mechanisms to work with partners on how they are using this list and share those lessons learned and best practices broadly. We ask that you share your feedback, both positive and negative on this list so we can provide the most useful guidance to our critical infrastructure partners. Feedback can be sent to QISA CAT@CISA DHS.GOV. k* Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers CISA HEALTHCARE / PUBLIC HEALTH • Workers providing COVID-19,testing; Workers that perform critical clinical research needed for COVID-19 response • Caregivers (e.g., physicians, dentists, psychologists, mid -level practitioners, nurses and assistants, infection control and quality assurance personnel, pharmacists, physical and occupational therapists and assistants, social workers, speech pathologists and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians and technologists) • Hospital and laboratory personnel (including accounting, administrative, admitting and discharge, engineering, epidemiological, source plasma and blood donation, food service, housekeeping, medical records, information technology and operational technology, nutritionists, sanitarians, respiratory therapists, etc.) • Workers in other medical facilities (including Ambulatory Health and Surgical, Blood Banks, Clinics, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Outpatient rehabilitation, End Stage Renal Disease, Health Departments, Home Health care, Hospices, Hospitals, Long Term Care, Organ Pharmacies, Procurement Organizations, Psychiatric Residential, Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers) • Manufacturers, technicians, logistics and warehouse operators, and distributors of medical equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), medical gases, pharmaceuticals (including materials used in radioactive drugs), blood and blood products, vaccines, testing materials, laboratory supplies, cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting orsterilization supplies, and tissue and paper towel products • Public health/ community health workers, includingthose who compile, model, analyze and communicate public health information • Blood and plasma donors and the employees of the organizations that operate and manage related activities • Workers that manage health plans, billing, and health information, who cannot practically work remotely • Workers who conduct community -based public health functions, conducting epidemiologic surveillance, compiling, analyzing and communicating public health information, who cannot practically work remotely • Workers performing cybersecurity functions at healthcare and public health facilities, who cannot practically work remotely • Workers conducting research critical to COVID-19 response • Workers performing security, incident management, and emergency operations functions at or on behalf of healthcare entities including healthcare coalitions, who cannot practically workremotely • Workers who support food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals, such as those residing inshelters • Pharmacy employees necessary for filling prescriptions • Workers performing mortuary services, including funeral homes, crematoriums, and cemetery workers • Workers who coordinate with other organizations to ensure the proper recovery, handling, identification, transportation, tracking, storage, and disposal of human remains and personal effects; certify cause of death; and facilitate access to mental/behavioral health services to the family members, responders, and survivors of an incident LAW ENFORCEMENT, PUBLIC SAFETY, FIRST RESPONDERS • Personnel in emergency management, law enforcement, Emergency Management Systems, fire, air medical, and corrections, including front line and management • Emergency Medical Service Technicians • 911 call center employees • Fusion Center employees • Hazardous material responders from government and the privatesector. • Workers - including contracted vendors - who maintain, manufacture, or supply digital systems infrastructure supportinglaw enforcement emergency service, and response operations. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE • Workers supporting groceries, pharmacies, convenience stores, and other retail that sells human food, animal/pet food, and beverage products • Restaurant carry -out and quick serve food operations - Carry -out and delivery food employees • Food manufacturer employees and their supplier employees to include those employed in food processing (packers, meat processing, cheese plants, milk plants, produce, etc.) facilities; livestock, poultry, seafood slaughter facilities; pet and animal feed processing facilities; human food facilities producing by-products for animal food; beverage production facilities; and the production of food packaging • Farm workers to include those employed in animal food, feed, and ingredient production, packaging, and distribution; manufacturing, packaging, and distribution of veterinary drugs; truck delivery and transport; farm and fishery labor needed to produce our food supplydomestically • Farm workers and support service workers to include those who field crops; commodity inspection; fuel ethanol facilities; storage facilities; and other agricultural inputs • Employees and firms supporting food, feed, and beverage distribution, including warehouse workers, vendor - managed inventory controllers and blockchain managers • Workers supportingthe sanitation of all food manufacturing processes and operations from wholesaleto retail • Company cafeterias - in -plant cafeterias used to feed employees • Workers in food testing labs in private industries and in institutions of higher education • Workers essential for assistance programs and government payments • Employees of companies engaged in the production, storage, transport, and distribution of chemicals, medicines, vaccines, and other substances used bythe food and agriculture industry, including pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, minerals, enrichments, and other agricultural production aids • Animal agriculture workers to includethose employed in veterinary health; manufacturing and distribution of animal medical materials, animal vaccines, animal drugs, feed ingredients, feed, and bedding, etc.; transportation of live animals, animal medical materials; transportation of deceased animals for disposal; raising of animals for food; animal production operations; slaughter and packing plants, renderers, and associated regulatory and govern m entworkforce • Workers who support the manufacture and distribution of forest products, including, but not limited to timber, paper, and other wood products • Employees engaged in the manufacture and maintenance of equipment and other infrastructure necessary to agricultural production and distribution ENERGY Electricity industry: • Workers who maintain, ensure, or restore, or are involved in the development, transportation, fuel procurement, expansion, or operation of the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power, including call centers, utility workers, reliability engineers and fleet maintenance technicians • Workers needed for safe and secure operations at nuclear generation • Workers at generation, transmission, and electric blackstart facilities • Workers at Reliability Coordinator (RC), Balancing Authorities (BA), and primary and backup Control Centers (CC), including but not limited to independent system operators, regional transmission organizations, and balancing authorities • Mutual assistance personnel • IT and OT technology staff - for EMS (Energy Management Systems) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and utility data centers; Cybersecurity engineers; cybersecurity risk management • Vegetation management crews and traffic workers whosupport • Environmental remediation/monitoringtechnicians • Instrumentation, protection, and control technicians Petroleum workers: • Petroleum product storage, pipeline, marine transport, terminals, rail transport, roadtransport • Crude oil storage facilities, pipeline, and marinetransport • Petroleum refinery facilities • Petroleum security operations center employees and workers who support emergency responseservices • Petroleum operations control rooms/centers • Petroleum drilling, extraction, production, processing, refining, terminal operations, transporting, and retail for use as end -use fuels or feedstocks for chemical manufacturing • Onshore and offshore operations for maintenance and emergency response • Retail fuel centers such as gas stations and truck stops, and the distribution systems that support them Natural and propane gas workers: • Natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines, including compressorstations • Underground storage of natural gas • Natural gas processing plants, and those that deal with natural gasliquids • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)facilities • Natural gas security operations center, natural gas operations dispatch and control rooms/centers natural gas emergency response and customer emergencies, including natural gas leakcalls • Drilling, production, processing, refining, and transporting natural gas for use as end -use fuels, feedstocks for chemical manufacturing, or use in electricity generation • Propane gas dispatch and control rooms and emergency response and customer emergencies, including propane leak calls • Propane gas service maintenance and restoration, including call centers • Processing, refining, and transporting natural liquids, including propane gas, for use as end -use fuels or feedstocks for chemical manufacturing • Propane gas storage, transmission, and distribution centers WATER AND WASTEWATER Employees needed to operate and maintain drinking water and wastewater/drainage infrastructure, including: • Operational staff at water authorities • Operational staff at community watersystems • Operational staff at wastewater treatmentfacilities • Workers repairing water and wastewater conveyances and performing required sampling or monitoring • Operational staff for water distribution and testing • Operational staff at wastewater collectionfacilities • Operational staff and technical support for SCADA Controlsystems • Chemical suppliers for wastewater and personnel protection • Workers that maintain digital systems infrastructure supporting water and wastewater operations TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS • Employees supporting or enabling transportation functions, including truck drivers, bus drivers, dispatchers, maintenance and repair technicians, warehouse workers, truck stop and rest area workers, and workers that maintain and inspect infrastructure (including those that require cross jurisdiction travel) • Employees of firms providing services that enable logistics operations, including cooling, storing, packaging, and distributing products for wholesale or retail sale cruse. • Mass transit workers • Workers responsible for operating dispatching passenger, commuter and freight trains and maintaining rail infrastructure and equipment • Maritime transportation workers - port workers, mariners, equipment operators • Truck drivers who haul hazardous and waste materials to support critical infrastructure, capabilities, functions, and services • Automotive repair and maintenance facilities • Manufacturers and distributors (to include service centers and related operations) of packaging materials, pallets, crates, containers, and other supplies needed to support manufacturing, packaging staging and distribution operations • Postal and shipping workers, to include private com pan ies • Employees who repair and maintain vehicles, aircraft, rail equipment, marine vessels, and the equipmentand infrastructure that enables operations that encompass movement of cargo and passengers • Air transportation employees, including air traffic controllers and maintenance personnel, ramp workers, aviation and aerospace safety, security, and operations personnel and accident investigations • Workers who support the maintenance and operation of cargo by air transportation, includingflight crews, maintenance, airport operations, and other on- and off- airport facilitiesworkers PUBLIC WORKS • Workers who support the operation, inspection, and maintenance of essential dams, locks and levees • Workers who support the operation, inspection, and maintenance of essential public works facilities and operations, including bridges, water and sewer main breaks, fleet maintenance personnel, construction of critical or strategic infrastructure, traffic signal maintenance, emergency location services for buried utilities, maintenance of digital systems infrastructure supporting public works operations, and other emergent issues • Workers such as plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences • Support, such as road and line clearing, to ensure the availability of needed facilities, transportation, energy and communications • Support to ensure the effective removal, storage, and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste and hazardous waste COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Communications: • Maintenance of communications infrastructure- including privately owned and maintained communication systems -supported by technicians, operators, call -centers, wireline and wireless providers, cable service providers, satellite operations, undersea cable landing stations (including cable marine depots and submarine cable ship operators), Internet Exchange Points, and manufacturers and distributors of communications equipment • Workers who support radio, television, and media service, including, but not limited to front line news reporters, studio, and technicians for newsgathering and reporting • Workers at Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations, and Network operations staff, engineers and/or technicians to manage the network or operatefacilities • Engineers, technicians and associated personnel responsible for infrastructure construction and restoration, including contractors for construction and engineering of fiber opticcables • Installation, maintenance and repair technicians that establish, support or repair service as needed • Central office personnel to maintain and operate central office, data centers, and other network off icefacilities • Customer service and support staff, including managed and professional services as well as remote providers of support to transitioning employees to set up and maintain home offices, who interface with customers to manage or support service environments and security issues, including payroll, billing, fraud, and troubleshooting • Dispatchers involved with service repair and restoration Information Technology: • Workers who support command centers, including, but not limited to Network Operations Command Center, Broadcast Operations Control Center and Security Operations Command Center • Data center operators, including system administrators, HVAC & electrical engineers, security personnel, IT managers, data transfer solutions engineers, software and hardware engineers, and database administrators • Client service centers, field engineers, and other technicians supporting critical infrastructure, as well as manufacturers and supply chain vendors that provide hardware and software, and information technology equipment (to include microelectronics and semiconductors) for critical infrastructure • Workers responding to cyber incidents involving critical infrastructure, including medical facilities, SLTT governments and federal facilities, energy and utilities, and banks and financial institutions, and other critical infrastructure categories and personnel • Workers supportingthe provision of essential global, national and local infrastructure for computing services (incl. cloud computing services), business infrastructure, web -based services, and critical manufacturing • Workers supporting communications systems and information technology used by law enforcement, public safety, medical, energy and other critical industries • Support required for continuity of services, including janitorial/cleaning personnel OTHER COMMUNITY -BASED GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS • Workers to ensure continuity of building functions • Security staff to maintain building access control and physical security measures • Elections personnel • Federal, State, and Local, Tribal, and Territorial employees who support Mission Essential Functions and communications networks • Trade Officials (FTA negotiators; international data flow administrators) • Weather forecasters • Workers that maintain digital systems infrastructure supporting other critical government operations • Workers at operations centers necessary to maintain other essential functions • Workers who.support necessary credentialing, vetting and licensing operations for transportation workers • Customs workers who are critical to facilitating trade in support of the national emergency response supply chain • Educators supporting public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities for purposes of facilitating distance learning or performing other essential functions, if operating under rules for social distancing • Hotel Workers where hotels are used for COVID-19 mitigation and containment measures CRITICAL MANUFACTURING • Workers necessaryfor the manufacturing of materials and products needed for medical supply chains, and for supply chains associated with transportation, energy, communications, food and agriculture, chemical manufacturing, nuclear faci►ities,the operation of dams, water and wastewater treatment, emergency services, and the defense industrial base. Additionally, workers needed to maintain the continuity of these manufacturing functions and associated supply chains. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS • Workers at nuclear facilities, workers managing medical waste, workers managing waste from pharmaceuticals and medical material production, and workers at laboratories processing testkits • Workers who support hazardous materials response and cleanup • Workers who maintain digital systems infrastructure supporting hazardous materials management operations FINANCIAL SERVICES • Workers who are needed to process and maintain systems for processing financial transactions and services (e.g., payment, clearing, and settlement; wholesale funding; insurance services; and capital markets activities) • Workers who are needed to provide consumer access to banking and lending services, including ATMs, and to move currency and payments (e.g., armored cashcarriers) • Workers who support financial operations, such as those staffing data and security operations centers CHEMICAL • Workers supporting the chemical and industrial gas supply chains, including workers at chemical manufacturing plants, workers in laboratories, workers at distribution facilities, workers who transport basic raw chemical materials to the producers of industrial and consumer goods, including hand sanitizers, food and food additives, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and paper products. • Workers supporting the safe transportation of chemicals, including those supportingtank truck cleaning facilities and workers who manufacture packaging items • Workers supporting the production of protective cleaning and medical solutions, personal protective equipment, and packaging that prevents the contamination of food, water, medicine, among others essential products • Workers supporting the operation and maintenance of facilities (particularly those with high risk chemicals and/ or sites that cannot be shut down) whose work cannot be done remotely and requires the presence of highly trained personnel to ensure safe operations, including plant contract workers who provide inspections • Workers who support the production and transportation of chlorine and alkali manufacturing, single -use plastics, and packaging that prevents the contamination or supports the continued manufacture of food, water, medicine, and other essential products, including glass container manufacturing DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL BASE Workers who support the essential services required to meet national security commitments to the federal government and U.S. Military. These individuals, include but are not limited to, aerospace; mechanical and software engineers, man ufacturing/production workers; IT support; security staff, security personnel; intelligence support, aircraft and weapon system mechanics and maintainers Personnel working for companies, and their subcontractors, who perform under contract to the Department of Defense providing materials and services to the Department of Defense, and government-owned/contractor- operated and government-owned/government-operated facilities Thursday, April 2, 2020 S- Sanger News lease. Garbage & water included. $1,195 per month plus deposit. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Call 940-390-9574 or 940- 482-0186. House for Rent - 3 bed- room,, 2, bath, nice new- er 1257 square ft. house Gayn with large back yard in REAL Valley View. $1500 per Your month.940-736-3179 Real Legal Notices ORDINANCE NO. 03.12-20 i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; CONTINUING THE DECLARATION OF LOCAL DISASTER; PROVIDING FOR IMPLE- MENTATION OF THE CITY'S EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN; PROVIDING PROMPT AND GENERAL PUBLICITY; DECLARING A LO- CAL DISASTER FOR PUBLIC HEALTH EMER- GENCY AND ADOPTING EMERGENCY ORDER DATED MARCH 25, 2020, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; GRANTING THE MAYOR THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO REVIEW, ADOPT, RATIFY, AND EXECUTE ANY SUBSEQUENT DENTON COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDERS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAV- INGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED $1,000.00 AS AUTHO- RIZED BY STATE LAW FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 27th Day of March, 2020. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor; ATTEST- ED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 03-11-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, POSTPONING THE MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON -THE 2ND DAY OF MAY 2020, TO THE NO- VEMBER 3, 2020 UNIFORM ELECTION DATE; ORDERING NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE GIV- EN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION; AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVID- ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 27th Day of March, 2020. APPROVED: Thom- as E. Muir, Mayor; ATTESTED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ~ Asset to Anchor? Call 940.458.4920 for a FREE, rio el Burch obligation Right Move Strategy Session TOR® RIGHT MOVE Seniors REALTY TEAM EstateSpedalist Attornev/Broker Services, LLC INDUSTRIAL BEARINGS AND DRIVES Bearings • Unmounted V•Bells Beaflngs - Idounted Sheaves i Roller chain Sprockets _� h `a .ate Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W. Hwy 82 • Gainesville 940-665-6971 TESTA BACKHOE SERVICES TECO oedW #00311801. 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