11/11/1980-PZ-Minutes-Regular0. .I . ,/' , · ' t-- • I Minutes: Planning & Zoning Commission November 11, 1980 Present: Chairman Jack Armstrong, Jimmy Frazier, Billye HollingHworth, Bill Enlow, and G'eorgia Royal Others Pi:-esent: Mc1ry Jo Stover, Mr. & Mrs. Don Sable c:1-nd Mrs. Sable, C. G. McNeill, Johnnie B4tti K~rby, Cynthi~ Taylor, Patricia Hc;1mpton; Glenn~-W~ls9n 1. Ghairman Armstrong called the meeting to order and proceeded to swear in new conooissiop~rs Georgia ~6ytl · and Bill Enlow. . - 2. The minutes of the Septemb~r 9, 1980 meetin9 wei-~ approved as printed. 3. Zoning Petition Z-48 -Gl~nn C. Wilson -Chairman Armstrong called for th_e oppo~ition to speak. Mi-j·:·•·cynthia Taylor made the objection that mo,~ renters did not 9~r~ about the property where they rf;:nt;~~ since it dt,9-n' t belong to them. They tend to ke,p m~ssy yards e~~-•. It would devalue her property if r~~~oning is fllow~~- P a tr ic i.a Hwnp Lon stated chat she did not want multi- renta ls in her area. They tend to bring in crime· a;n<;l messy conditions for the neighborhood. Glenµ Wilson spoke in favor of the petition stating he did not plan to rent to people that would destroy or mess t1p his-property. He stated the duplex would be brick veneer with each containing 1000 square fe~~- Off street parking would be made available. Stati~ he want~d to cater to school teachers. Mrs. Tay l.or s ta t.:ed that l:\enny Sche:rt?: had been again~ t the petition. That he felt it woulg oe o.k. as 1qng as Mr. Wilson owned the propert:y but Lf he dec;i.g~~ t9 sell that might be a different matt~r. ,, Commi§sioners discussed the petition. On a motion tr¥ Jimmy Frazier Zoning Petition Z-48 was approved ch~ng;i.ng the zoning on Lot 1, Block 7, Sullivan West from OU) Single Family to (R2) 'l'wo Family. Billye HolJ.i:q~pworth guve the second. Voted unan. 4. Permanent: zoning on recently annexed propertie, belon~ing to ~enr:1y Johnson and. Don $?1Jle -~on _S,a9i~ spoke to Gommiss1oner~ r~qu~st1ng mar~ of his prop~;ty to be annexed into the c1t.y. Johnson s prope-.r;~y run@ a di$tance of 622.29' along the {ronc of I-3~ 9rl)~_}iQ' , e~s c. fo_r a total of 3 acres annexed l:>y the city, , , S~Q~~, ij prop~rty wa$ annexed into the cit:,y 9-nd runs a. 4;ijtan·ce '....1- ----··. of 642' north a.long thL! front of 1-35 and 500' minimum depth east. lie is reque!,ting that the commissioners reconunel)d. he be annexeJ into the city a total c:li,st:ance of 210' to correspond with Johnson's east boundary. Motion was made by Bill Enlow to permanently zone the two tracts now in the city to a Local Business C1AS$i• f:Lcation and recommend to Council that the extra fgotage be annexed into the city as requested by Mr. Sabl,e .. Jimmy Frazi~r gave the second. 5. Variance request for Church of Christ Parsonage,, 801 Cherry -The church has proposed to constru9t·~ carpo·.rt 20' ~ 31'. A variance of 6" on the north e:nd of the carport and 1'6" on the ~outh end is req\,le@~ed. Cownissioners studied the diagram and on a mottori by Billye Hollingsworth approved the variance. G@orgia Royal gave the seeond. Voted unan. · 6. Other such matters: (a.) Commissioners received the new zoning map prep~red by Hunter & Associates. ~ Meeting adjourned. -'l- , ;