08/13/1985-PZ-Minutes-RegularMinutes: Planning & Zoning Connnission August 13, 1985 Members Present: Tonnny Kincaid, Fred Yeatts, Joe Waide, Georgia Royal, Eileen ~rittian, and Bill Enlow Members Absent: Billye Hollingsworth Others Present: Mary Jo Stover, Mayor Nel Armstrong, Gary Hannnett and B. McMurray 1. Vice Chairman Tonnny Kincaid called the meeting to order in the absence of Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth. 2. The minutes of the previous meetings were discussed. Correction on minutes of July 23rd. Bill Enlow's name to be added to members present. With no other corrections the minutes of the July 23, 1985 and the special called meeting of August 1, 1985 were approved as printed. · 3. Gary Hannnett spoke on behalf of his proposed Meadow Lands subdivision. Meadow Lands is in the city's E.T.J. Hannnett stated that his subdivision was to be single family residen- tial, with no mobile homes allowed. The two acre tracts are for ranchette type homes. Deed restrictions were discussed. Hannnett said he had to have them when he filed his final with the county. Motion was made by Joe Waide to accept the preliminary plat of the Meadow Lands subdivision. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other such matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong informed connnissioners that council was continuing to work on the Ben Terry plat-and that it would be considered again at council's next meeting. With no other business to come before the connnissioners, Eileen Brittian made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan.