09/10/1985-PZ-Minutes-Regular... ~•, , MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission September 10, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: .. ~ ,:_)~ '• \)l~.v OTHERS \Y' PRESENT: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Joe S. Waide, Georgia Royal and Tommy Kincaid (d-~- Mary Jo Stover, Mayor Nel Armstrong, Bud Hauptman, Harvey W. Thomas, Evon Harvey, Linda Hewlett, Chuck Trice, Esta Lou Morgan, Joe Higgs, Charles Warlick, Russell Madden, J. W. Bucklew and Jackie Echols 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the August 27, 1985 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Hollingsworth declared the public hearing open to consider Zoning Petition Z-80 for John Porter. Mr. Bud Hauptman represented Mr. Porter on the petition. Mr. Hauptman stated and illustrated by use of a plat map the two lots which he was requesting to be rezoned from R-1 (Single Family) to R-2 (Two Family) . Kincaid requested to know if there were any plans for a privacy fence. Mr. Hauptman stated no, but there was an existing cyclone fence which belonged to the adjoining property owners. Mr. Hauptman explained there would be rear entrances to the proposed duplexes, an alley easement. Waide asked about the volume, and page information which Hauptman explained. Discussion. Evon Harvey stated she was opposed to the petition unless a privacy fence was constructed. Discussion. Public hearing w~s closed. Motion was made by Georgia Royal to approve the zoning change from R-1 (Single Family) to R-2 (Two Family) on part of Tract 11, AB. 1241, H. Tierwester, Sheet 5. for John Porter. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voting for were: Royal, Kincaid, and Hollin~sworth. Voting against was Waide. Motion carried 3-1. (NOTE: to clarify the exact property being rezoned -Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Sanger Exchange West, Section I which is Part of Track 11, AB. 1241, H. Tierwester Survey in the zoning request.) 4. Mr. Bud Hauptman represented Mr. Porter on the submission of his final plat on Sanger Exchange West subdivision. Hauptman explained to Planning and Zoning what the city council had requested on the final plat. (1) Council requested that a 2" water line instead of al" serve only the subdivided area, (2) that a culdesac be incorporated on the west end of Exchange Drive, and (3) that the plat comply with all requirements of .-~ • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 10, 1985 Page 2 the city ordinances. Hauptman stated that he felt the plat did comply with the city ordinances and the 2" line would be shown on the construction plans. The only change being the dimension of the Boulevard entrance street which was widened from 60-65' to 70-75'. Mr. Porter wanted the street width changed to allow two lanes in and out of the area, with a 14' medium to be used for plants etc. The engineers felt the culdesac was not practicable since Exchange Drive was wide enough to accommodate turning around except for emergency vehicles and they could cross curbs and have plenty of room for turning around in the adjoining field. Hauptman explained that the West end on Exchange Drive could in the future be opened and extended if the adjoining property was developed. It is fenced at the present since Mr. Porter has livestock and horses in the area. Mr. Hauptman stated that Porter would comply with whatever the Board and council decided but because of the space to the north available for turn around would prefer consideration not to put the culdesac on the west end. Commissioners asked Mayor Armstrong her feelings regarding this. She stated that the subdivision ordinance called for no dead end streets but that she had talked to the city engineer and because Exchange Drive is such a short street he felt a turnaround area would be o.k. This could be done as long as the property adjacent remains the same and it could be stipulated that no building permits would be issued. Discussion. Motion was made by Tommy Kincaid to accept the final subdivision plat of the Sanger Exchange West with the placement of the culdesac to the north--not at the west end of Exchange Drive-- and the culdesac is not required to be paved and guttered, but should have a hard surface area such as gravel for the required radius. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mr. Hauptman represented Craig Snider on the final subdivision plat of Snider Estates. Snider was involved with a school board meeting and could not be available. Mr. Hauptman gave comparisons between the new final plat and the previous final plat explaining the changes. Building setbacks, easements, and lot dimensions were discussed. Motion was made by Joe Waide to accept the Final Plat of the Snider Estates subdivision with the following changes and additions: (1) Add a 15' utility easement along the entire north and west boundary line; (2) add a guy wire easement between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 and; (3) eliminate the 5' easement designation as in thoroughfares. Georgia Royal gave the second. Voting for were: Royal, Waide, and Kincaid. Voting against was Hollingsworth stating that she was voting against because of the 6' setback variance on side yards approved by council. Motion carried 3-1. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION •· September 10, 1985 I ~age 3 Hollingsworth asked Mr. Hauptman if Snider had given any considera- tion for a park in the area. Hauptman stated that he had not. Mayor Armstrong stated that the possibility of a new elementary school in that area existed and also an owner of a 10 acre tract of land had shown interested in developing a park in the area. 6. With no other business to come before the commissioners, Georgia Royal made the motion to adjourn. Tommy Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan.