08/28/1986-PZ-Minutes-Special( ( ( Minutes: Planning & Zoning ConDllission Special Called Meeting August 28, 1986 Members Present: Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, Charles Kesseler, Georgia Royal, Eileen Brittian, Tonnny Kincaid and Russell Madden Others Present: Stephen and Doris Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Jerry Jenkins Katy Ray 1. 2. 3. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. The minutes of the August· 12";· 1986 meeting were approved as printed. The connnissioners considered the preliminary subdivision plat of the Utility Park Subdivision for Jerry Jenkins and Prentice Preston. The City Manager spoke in favor of the plat explaining that the subdivision was located in the city's extraterritorial jursidic- tion, that all utilities were there and that nothing was required that wasn't displayed on the plat. Stated it was a lot split for purposes of sale. Discussion. Motion was made by Russell Madden to approve the preliminary subdivision plat of the Utility Park Subdivision. TonD11y Kincaid gave the second. Voted unan. 4. With no other business to come before the conD11issioners Charles Kesseler made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. Approved