09/23/1986-PZ-Minutes-Regular( Minutes: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting September 23, 1986 (Taped) Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, Charles Kesseler, Eileen Brittian, Russell Madden, Tommy Kincaid Georgia Royal Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Gordon and Pauline Dopson, and Katy Ray 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the August 28th meeting were approved as printed. 3. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition ZS-86 for B. R. Pritchett who was requesting a change in zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business) on Part of Tract 182, AB.1241C, H. Tierwester Survey. Mr. Gordon Dopson spoke on behalf of Mr. Pritchett' s pettit!Lo.n £<!>"r change. Discussed the fact that he was requesting to use more area in the Local Business than was previously discussed. A dis- tance of 372.06 north and instead of squaring off as previously discussed to allow for the continuity of the residential area that adjoins the Local Business portion. Russell Madden stated that he had called some area residents to make them aware that the petition was being reconsidered. Stat- ing that they had been made aware that if the petition came back as Local Business with all the rest as residential that they would not be notified. Madden stated the residents felt that some of the property had to be local business and as far as he could tell they had no opposition. He stated the only question he felt would be if the coDllllissioners wanted to allow the zoning back as far north as was being requested. Discussion. The City Manager stated there would be enough room there for a street with two lot depths allow- able off of the street. Discussion. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Charles Kesseler to take the motion made to change the zoning for Mr. Pritchett from the last meeting off the table for consideration. Russell Madden gave the second. Voted unan. Kesseler moved for questions. Discussion. Motion was made by Charles Kesseler to amend his motion as follows: To delete the portion that was to be shown as multi-family, duplexes, delete that portion, delete quadraplexes for zoning. Leave the northwest corner to remain R-1 zoning and to approve the secbidn.as notated on the map local.business to extend northward on to 372.06 feet. Russell Madden gave the second. Voted unan. Planning & Zoning Minutes September 23, 1986 Page 2 4. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth declared the public hearing open to consider V.M. Dicksion's request for change in zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to LI (Light Industry) on 3 acres of land in the R. Bebee Survey AB. 29. The City Manager spoke in favor of the petition. Stated he felt it was routine and felt it was an appropriate use. Mr. Dicksion was unable to attend to speak on behalf of the petition. No one spoke in opposition to the petition. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Tonnny Kincaid to allow the change from R-1 (Single Family) to LI (Light Industry) as requested. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Other Such Matters: (a) Connnissioners requested a workshop to discuss future planning for Tuesday, September 30, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. 6. With no further business to come before the connnissioners, Tonnny Kincaid made the motion the meeting adjourn. Fred Yeatts gave the second. Voted unan. Approved