12/09/1986-PZ-Minutes-Regular• MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission December 9, 1986, 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, Charles Kesseler, Tommy Kincaid, and Georgia Royal Eileen Brittian an~ Russell Madden Steve Shutt, Etta St@gsdill, Paul Earheart, Carmen & Burl B@urland, ©. @. McNeill, William B. Bell, Shylia & Lee Williams, and Michael Ceballos 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. The minutes of the October 14, 1986 meeting were approved as printed. 3. William B. Bell spoke regarding his petition request to change the zoning classification on Keaton Road from R-1 to LI or R-3 as agreed. Mr. Bell noted that when he first applied for the M-F, he planned to build apartments first but with the financial situation like it is, he's been having t~ouble finding financing. He stated, ~ither not get the M-F zoning&back out or get a LI zoning so I can do something else with the property for the next 3 or 4 years something like that -cash flow -I had in mind portable mini- warehouses something I can put in there so when I get through in 3 or 4 years move them off. I think it's going to be 3 or 4 years down the road. I'd either like for you to deny my M-F or give me the LI for 3 years, something like that. I came in contingent on getting the M-F so I can build the apartments but I can't do that for awhile so if we don't get that, back that into the City,back that out. What I'd like to do is go ahead and build the apartments but finding more problems, having trouble getting the financing for the property." Billy Hollingsworth requested Mr. Shutt to show the property they were discussing. (Property is where Benny Parrent's house is on Keaton Road.) Mr. Shutt noted that when Mr. Bell brought the property into the city limits it was contingent upon it being properly zoned, at that time he wanted M-Fzoning. Staff's opinion of that is that M-F zoning there is a good transition between residential use on the north, mobile home use on the south, now as far as density is concerned on that property that's not a matter of the land use will have to be decided on how the property would be developed: Mr. Shutt recommended to the P & Z that it be zoned M-F either R-2 or R-3 either one is acceptable. He stated he 1 did not recommend L-I zoning, mapbe mini-warehouses would not be objectionable, now once zoned L-I that's not limited to that. , ' • Planning & Zoning Commission ·December 6, 1986 Page 2 Paul Earheart, residential owner, noted problems with apartments would add fuel to the fire since the police are frequently in this area on police calls. He also noted that he felt it would decrease the value of homes within this area. Shylia Williams spoke requesting this area to stay S-F zoning. Mike Ceballos felt that due to Mr. Bell having financing problems that below nice apartments would be built if permitted. He felt after listening to Mr. Bell's request that he was not quite sure what he wanted to do due to financing difficulties. Burl Bourland spoke,who is a residential plus building homes within this area, felt there are already problems with utilities within this area. He mentioned streets were in a poor condition with chug holes,etcetera. Steve mentioned that half of this road belonged to the county and they had agreed this condition would be corrected within a reasonable amount of time. Burl noted that min-warehouses would bring burglaries into this area. He would like to see it stay residential area. Lee Williams noted there were already trash problems and with apartments this problem would only increase. Mr. C. G. McNeill noted that he had no problem with the petition zoning petition request, his main concern was mainly the corner. Streets in this area would not accommodate this usage. After much discussion, the P & Z members felt that he needed to come in with either a R-3 or a L-I request, not both. Mr. Bell stated that if he can't get the M-F, at least the M-F, then he wants to de-annex the property. Tommy Kincaid made a motion to deny the entire petition request, Fred Yeatts seconded the motion. (The p & z 's recommendation will be presented at the December 15th City Council meeting.)