04/14/1987-PZ-Minutes-Regular( MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission April 14, 1987 Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Tommy Kincaid, Eileen Brittian, Russell Madden, Charles Kesseler, and Fred Yeatts Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Ken Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. John Crow, Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard, Prestice Preston, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Armstrong 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes were approved as written with one correction on Item #2 to reflect that P. & z. tabled zoning request for Downs Zoning Petition. 3. Conducted and possible action on preliminary plat for Jean Crow and Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard. Ken Cornell was present in behalf of both parties. Mr. Cornell explained the lot sizes and intentions of said property. He also stated that according to procedure that they had to be presented to P. & z. with preliminary plat and City Council and then go back to P. & z. for final plat and to City Council. In behalf of both these parties, he wanted P. & z. to grant the preliminary and final together. Tommy Kincaid asked if the.two lots on the Southwest corner what is the distance where it is staked off and the existing houses. Cornell replied 1o·feet. K:inca.i.a stated that there would be no back yard and the requirement is 25 feet. Kincaid stated that a variance would have to be granted in Lot 29A on this particular case. Discussion continued to follow concerning the lots and footage requirements on setbacks. Russell Madden stated that if the front of the house was in the south, it could conform with existing city ordinance. Billye Hollingsworth asked how far was the garage from the other lot. Discussion continued. Hollingsworth asked if anyone was in opposition. City Manager stated that it was just a lot-split out and if asked if they could approve the final also at the same time, and in the new ordinance this woul.dnot be required. Planning & Zoning Commission April 14, 1987 Page 2 More discussion followed concerning the problem on Lot 29A. Steve Shutt recommended to P. & z. that this be approved. Kincaid stated that he felt that P. & z. had to grant a variance before they approve the preliminary plat. A variance had to be granted before they approved the preliminary plat. Steve Shutt stated the P. & z. would not have to grant a variance at this particular request, said it was just a lot split but they could come back and ask for a variance at a later date. They could request a variance on Lot 29A at a later date. Motion made by Russell Madden to accept·· Preli~inary Plat~ Seconded by_______ Tommy Kincaid ab.staining. 4. Final plat for Jean Crow and Mr. & Mrs. Hi.l:liard were not approved until it went to Council for approval on preliminary. S. Consider and possible action on Petition for Change on Zoning Classification for Craig Snider's Property located on Keaton Road from R-1 (Single Family) to P-SP (Semi Public-Public). Discussion continued. Motion made by Russell Madden and seconded by ·Tommy Kincaid to approve zoning change. Eileen Brittian·voted for and Kesseler and Yeatts abstained. 6. Consider and possible action on lot split on Craig Snider's property located on Keaton. Motion was made by Russell Madden. Seconded by Kincaid. Brittain voted for. Abstaining: Charles Kesseler & Fred Yeatts. 7. No Other Matters Discussed. 8. Meeting Adjourned. Approved