06/22/1987-PZ-Minutes-Special( ( ( . MINUTES: Special Called Meeting City Council and Planning & Zoning June 22, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, C. G. McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, Wendall Thomas, Billye Hollingsworth, Danny McDaniel, Kenneth Howard, Eileen Brittian, Tommy Kincaid, Russell ··Madden~· -.and Fred Yeatts MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Robin Parker, Bill Enlow, Mr.&· Mrs. Burl Bourland, Woodrow Barton, Charles Freeman, W. L. Enlow, Charles Petty, Neal Odom, 1. 2. 3. Mike Vinson, Rhonda H.-Sanger Courier, Elaine Schad- Denton R~cord -Chronicle, Mr. & Mrs. Shafer, W. B. Bell,.and Elaine Berndt Mayor Armstrong called City Council meeting to order. She went over the rules to follow: (a) Three minutes was allowed time to speaki (b) State name, address and property referring to when they come up to the podium. Chairperson Billy Hollingsworth called the Planning & Zoning meeting to order. Mayor Armstrong led the invocation and the pledge to the flag. C o nd u ct Public Hearing for proposed Zoning Ordinance. (a) Citizens opposed: Mayor Armstrong went by the list as they signed in. · (1) (2) (3) (4) Mrs. o. M. Gentle was first to speak. She stated that she did not want to speak because she had already sent her letter. Neal Odom did not want to speak, he was just interested and came to the meeting. Mike Vinson, Charles Petty, and Bill Enlow were all on the list but they just wante:i to come and find out what was going on. Woodrow Barton -807 N. 7th, stated that his wife and him had recently acquired the place of Winnie Minnick. Mr. Barton stated that his place was 1 block west of the Central Business District. ( C.C. & P.&Z •. Special Called Meeting June 22, 1987 Page 2 He asked why is there just one block zoned .! as multi-family, which is in present use and why where there is residential homes in that area to be zoned commercial which is the area by N. 7th where it adjoins 455. Steve Shutt addressed the issue by stating the primary purpose of this zoning was to encourage that area for major development. Mayor Armstrong introduced Lee Lawrence who was also there to answer questions concerning the new proposed zoning. Steve Shutt explained the zoning maps. This system is designed to create residential zoning and once established it will stay that way. This new proposed zoning has added three classifications for residential areas. New acreage coming into the city limits will be zoned agricultural. Charles Freeman stated he had some land across the railroad tracks. His main concern was that he felt like he did not have the adequate information. He said that Steve Shutt in his speech had given him some insight on the zoning. His property had not changed zoning. On the old zoning map he was zoned Industrial, on the new map he is zoned I-2 which is the same zoning. Mr. Freeman stated that on both sides of his property there are family dwellings. Can his property be rezoned if he desires? Mr. Freeman was asking if anyone at the present has submitted documents for future planning in that area. City Council replied by stating at present no documents had been submitted. He asked that if the property was zoned this way,· if he could come back later and request rezoning classification. Mr. Freeman also felt he was paying higher taxes because of the way he was zoned. Lee Lawrence stated that if his property was adjacent to single-family dwellings on both sides then he might have a very strong case for his request. Lee Lawrence also stated that he shouldn't be paying higher taxes because of the way he was zoned but advised this question be taken to the Appraisal District. The city has no role in assessment value. .. ..... ,, ... •·······-· :' _-... ' CC. & P. &Z. Soecial Called Meeting June 22, 1987" Page 3 Mayor Armstrong stated that the Appraisal District has never gotten a copy of our zoning ordinance. Elaine Schad spoke in reference to Mr. Freeman's question as to what would citizens do if a plant would move in around their residential areas. Steve replied by stating that there would be control as to what kind of businesses would be constructed in those areas. Mr. L. D. Shafer lives in Valley View has ten acres off of Austin and Keaton Road, was concerned to the zoning of his property. His property was rezoned on October 11, 1984 as local business and according to our proposed zoning the front part is zoned co~ercial and back part is zoned residential and he felt it was an error. City Council advised that minutes would be checked to make sure this was correct. Elaine Berndt and William B. Bell both did not want to speak. Ms. Price stated her mother's house is located in the railroad area across the railroad tracks and she stated that they were not sure as to the zoning, but they were told it would be zoned commercial. The property is zoned Heavy Industrial on the old zoning and it will remain the same as the new proposed zoning map. Ms. Price stated they felt.it was not fair to them if a factory moves in. They live across the tracks with bad streets, etc. and now there is a chance for it to change in zoning but it isn't•. Steve Shutt stated that they also had to consider that if they took that property and rezoned it down to residential, they couldn't do it. They could consider and rezone her property residential but not the property around her. Lee Lawrence stated that the best appropriate use for that property is industrial. Mayor Armstrong advised that they need to get a petition from those people to get their property zoned down. Mayor Armstrong advised that they couldn't zone _that property down unless they had a petition. Then it would go before P & Z for consideration. Dorothy Nubine -301 E. Willow, was concerned about what will be constructing in that area. ' C.C. & P.&Z. Special Called Meeting June 22, 1987 Page 4 . . Mayor Armstrong asked if the property on E. Willow had changed. That property was zoned residential prior to the change and that is what the present use is and it did not change her zoning. Mayor Armstrong went on to read the letter from Mrs. O. M. Gentle. She is requesting that her 12..roperty not be changed sinee it was zoned business, she is request- ing it stay the same. Mayor Armstrong advised thatit will be taken into consideration. She also stated that no decisions would be made tonight. Mayor Armstrong stated that these citizens would be notif_ied when these properties come before P. & Z. and again before City Council.· The zoning ordinance will come before·the P.· & z. on July 14th and before ~he City Council on July 20th. 4. Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing closed. s. Consider and Possible Action (if any) relative to Joint Public Hearing. No action taken. 6. Mayor Armstrong declared the meeting closed. Adjournment.