01/26/1988-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS. PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission January 26, 1988 Chairperson BillyeHollingsworth, Russell Madden, Eileen Brittian, Ken Howard, Charles Kesseler, and Fred Yeatts Stephen K. Shutt, Rose Shuffield, Stan Browning, & Burle Bourland 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes stood approved as presented. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request for Stan Browning. Mr. Browning explained that he wanted a variance request on his property to build a garage to store his boat. A variance of the back line and off the side line. That it be approved that he get a written letter from his neighbor stating he has no objections. Steve Shutt recommended that P & z grant this variance provided Mr. Browning get letters from his neighbors stating they had no objections to the variance being granted. Russell Madden made the motion that Mr. Browning be granted the 3' foot easement South and the West of property line provided he provided letters of approval from his neighbors. Ken Howard seconded. Motion carried. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request, Lot 7, Block 1, Bourland Addition. Mr. Bourland was requesting an 8' foot due the lot not accommodating the size of the house. -· Discussion. Ken Howard made the motion that the 8' variance be granted on the back property line to accommodate the house. Charles Kesseler seconded. Motion carried. Adjournment.