06/28/1988-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: P & z Commission June 28, 1988 Billye Hollingsworth-Chairman, Fred Yeatts, Charles Kesseler, Eileen Brittian, Tommy Kincaid, Kenneth Howard, and Russell Madden Etta Stogsdill and Larry Masten 1. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. 2. Minutes of January 26, 1988 stood approved as written. ' 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request for Larry Masten at 208 Fifth Street. Mr. Masten was present to speak regarding his variance request. He stated that he was requesting a 30 inch variance on the south side of his property located at 208 Fifth Street in order to construct a carport, 20 ft. wide (N to S) by 40 ft. long (E to W). (Also, signed statements from property owners within 200 feet of construction site had been included in their packets.) Motion was made by Kenneth Howard and seconded by Eileen Brittian that this variance be granted. Motion carried. Chairperson Hollingsworth informed Mr. Masten that it would now go before the City Council. 4. Other Such Matters: a. Russell Madden inquired if work on the Church parking area related to covering ditches with culverts and paving over them at 6th and Cherry would need to come before the P & z. He stated that basically what they planned to do was to put a sidewalk right on the property.line. After contacting the office, he was referred to talk with the mayor regarding this request.which would be his next step. b. Eileen Brittian inquired about the house on Turtle in Sims Addition. Discussion regarding if a variance had been granted. Kenneth Howard noted that a 20' building line variance on the whole subdivision had been granted. Discussion. c. Kenneth Howard inquired if Woodrow Barton would be present- ing his plat request to the P· & z. Discussion. 5. Tommy Kincaid made the motion that the meeting adjourn, seconded by Kenneth Howard. Meeting adjourned.