10/11/1988-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: P & Z Commission October 11, 1988 Russell Madden, Tommy Kincaid, Ken Howard, and Fred Yeatts Billye Hc,llir-,gswc,rth ar,d Charles Kesseler John Hamilton, Glenn Shaw, and Rose Garcia 1. Cc,-Chairperccn Tc,mmy Kir-,caid cal led the meeting tc, order. 2. Mi Y'H.ttes c,f Jur,e 28, 1988 stoc,d apprc,ved as pri r-,ted. 3. General Discussion Regarding Matters -Duck Creek Road. Mr. Madden stated there have been several people that have expressed the potential problem with Parrent's property ar-,d the prc,perty beir-,g develc,ped by Hc,lsc,r-,; they cc,me back to back just west c,f Duck Creek Rc,ad ar-,d there is no road frc,m c,r-,e tc, the c•ther. Sc,c,r-,er c,r later bc,th of these properties will be in the city limits of Sanger and there needs to be a road. In talking with the mayor, she had stated that someone had expressed the possibility of buyi r-,g Ber-,r-,y Parrent' s prc,perty ar-,d this persc,r-, was wc,nderir-,g what kir-,d c,f requirements ·wc••Jld be required by the City of Sanger. Mr. Madden felt like there is a possibility to put a road in and that now would be the time since both properties are r-,ot fully develc,ped. John Hamilton stated that the plat has already been filed that way and if the property owners grant an easement for the rc,ad ther-, a replat wc,uld r-,eed tc, be filed. Tommy Kincaid stated that P & Z tried to get Benny Parrent ar,d Dc,r-, Holsc,r, tc, wc,rk tc,gether tc, possibly give a strip of land for a road; but, it was impossible. Jc,hr, Hami 1 tc,r, stated as the cc,mmur,i ty develc,ps ar,d that ccn any future plats that come before P & Z that they could make their recc,mmer,dat iccns tc, City Cour,ci 1 they require thoroughfare plan to eliminate.problems like this from c•ccurri r,g. Discussion continued. Meeting adjourned.