03/14/1989-PZ-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning & Zoning Commission March 14, 1'389 \ . \ ~ Billye Hollingsworth, Fred Yeatts, Kenneth Howard, Tommy Kincaid, and Charles Kesseler Eileen Brittian and Russell Madden John Hamilton, Rose Garcia, Don Sable, Michael Cummings, engineer for Lotus Tool,Inc., and Johnny Loc,per l. Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth called meeting to order. 2. Minutes for October 11, 1988 stood approved as printed. 3. Conduct Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Zl-89 for Lotus Tool, Inc. Requesting Change from Agricultural to SF-4 and Multifamily 1. Chairperson Hollingsworth conducted Public Hearing and stated item was open for discussion. John Hamilton stated staff had no problem with this proposed zoning request except in the larger area with SF-4. Staff recommends SF-3 be considered and the Multifamily along Railroad track is consistent with the Buffer Zoning. Don Sable also gave a brief introduction concerning his zoning request. Mr. Sable stated that they wanted a 7150 sq. ft. size lot but they roughly wanted SF-3 zoning; but then that would put them in a position to either ask for SF-3 zoning with a variance on lot sizes -dropping lot size to 7150 sq. ft. or come back with SF-4 with deed restrictions. They intend to have equal or better house requirements in SF-3 but cannot go with SF-3 size lot because of the price range difference on lots. Discussion continued. pl1bl i c heari Y,g. Chairperson Hollingsworth closed 4. Consider and Possible Action on Public Hearing 21-89. Tommy Kincaid made the motion that the changed from Agricultural to SF-3 with 7100 sq. ft. Kenneth Howard seconded. zoning request be a minimum lot size of Mc,t i oy, carried. Charles Kesseler made the motion that the buffer 2oning along the Railroad track be changed from Agricultural to MF-1. Kenneth Howard seconded. Motion carried. • 5. Conduct Public Hearing on Final Plat for Muir-Switzer Addition within our E.T.J. Chairperson Hollingsworth conducted Public Hearing on Muir- Switzer Addition within our E.T.J. Open for discussion. No opposition. Chairperson Hollingsworth closed Public Hearing. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Muir-Switzer Addition within our E.T.J. Kenneth Howard removed himself from the meeting due to conflict of interest. Fred Yeatts made the motion to accept final plat for Muir- Switzer Addition within our E.T.J. Tommy Kincaid seconded. Motion carried. 7. No Other Such Matters. a. Meeting adjourned •