06/06/1989-PZ-Minutes-Regular,.-._ MINU J"E::S: ME-:.MBEr~s PRESE::NT: MEMBERS ABSEN"f: l) J"Hl:::118 t•RE'SE:.N'f: Planning & Zoning Commission J\.IYle 6, 1989 Chairperson Billye Hollingsworth, Russell Madden, Tommy Kincaid, Charles Kesseler, and Fred Yeatts Ker, Hc,i,,ard ar,d Eileer, Brittiar, City Manager -John Hamilton, City Secretary -Rose Garcia, Mr. and Mrs. Danny McDaniel, Don Sable, and Michael Cummings for Lotus Tool, lnc. l. Chairperson Hollingsworth called the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes: w .. ,s pre£;.er,t. e,r-,e ceerrect i e,n tee shc,w Ei leer-, Britt i a'1"1 Hl t 3.· Cc,r,d\.1cted Public Hearif,g c,r, Prelimir-,ary f:.1 lat c,f Willc,i,,e,c,d Addi ti C•Yi. Chairperson Hollingsworth opened the Public Hearing for di scussi cer-,. l) i SC\.ISSi e•Y-1. Issues addressed were: l. 2. 3. thoroughfare through that addition. water and sewer lines. drai r-,age. Mr. Madder, al sc, wc,\.11 d like f'e,r the prc,pert.y owr,ers whee adjcci r-,. this prc,perty tee be Y,e,tified c,f this .. ,dditi<:1r-1. This possibility could bring to their attention traffic flow through that area. 4. Ce,r-,sider ar,d pc,ssible actie,r-, e,y, Prelirnir,ary Plat c,f Willowood Addition. Mc,tic,r-, was rnc1cle by Fred Yec\tts c\Y",cl !E,ecc,r-,ded by Tc,mrny Kir-,caid to approve the preliminary plat of Willowood Addition. Meeting c\djourned. ,, ,, '· 001 j. I· '· ~' ·'