11-31-20-Ordinance-Canvassing the November 3, 2020 General Election-11/17/2020ORDINANCE # 11-31-20 AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION HELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING CANDIDATES TO THE OFFICE OF CITY COUNCIL IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR AN ELECTION HAVING BEEN HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 2020, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THAT ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on the 17"' day of November 2020, at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, the City Council canvassed the results of an election held on the 31d day of November 2020, for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of Mayor, City Council Place 2 and City Council Place 4, such election having been duly ordered by the Mayor and City Council, under the authority of the Constitution and the laws of this State; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas has determined that the election officials of the voting district of the City, have in compliance with the law in such cases made and provided returns to the City Council in the time and manner required, and the City Council, having canvassed the votes does find that the total number of ballots cast and that the total number of votes cast for each candidate is as follows: Name of Candidate Total Number of Votes Received Joe Falls Mayor 866 Thomas Muir, Mayor 2,279 Gary Bilyeu, City Council Place 2 2,767 Allen Chick, City Council Place 4 2,766 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the election, having been duly called, and that notice of the election was given in accordance with the law, and the following persons were elected to the following positions: Mayor Thomas Muir Through May 2022 Council Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Through May 2022 Council Place 4 Allen Chick Through May 2022 SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas on the 17t" day of November 2020. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Deputy City Secretary APPRr7��' S T �OR HhgK Coleman, City Attorney City of Sanger Mayor Precincts Counted Total Percent 3 3 100.00% Voters Ballots Registered Percent 3,634 5,284 68.77% Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Thomas Muir 95 75.40%1,950 73.12%234 68.42%2,279 72.70% Joe Falls 31 24.60%717 26.88%108 31.58%856 27.30% Cast Votes:126 100.00%2,667 100.00%342 100.00%3,135 100.00% Undervotes:23 409 59 491 Overvotes:0 6 2 8 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Precincts Counted Total Percent 3 3 100.00% Voters Ballots Registered Percent 3,634 5,284 68.77% Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Gary Bilyeu 100 100.00%2,350 100.00%317 100.00%2,767 100.00% Cast Votes:100 100.00%2,350 100.00%317 100.00%2,767 100.00% Undervotes:49 732 86 867 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 4 Precincts Counted Total Percent 3 3 100.00% Voters Ballots Registered Percent 3,634 5,284 68.77% Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Allen Chick 100 100.00%2,353 100.00%313 100.00%2,766 100.00% Cast Votes:100 100.00%2,353 100.00%313 100.00%2,766 100.00% Undervotes:49 729 90 868 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 *** End of report *** City of Sanger Cumulative Run Time Run Date 1:43 PM 11/19/2020 Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 1 Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 565105 = 0.64% Precincts Reporting 185 of 185 = 100.00% Precinct Th o m a s M u i r Jo e F a l l s Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 549 197 746 124 2 44 743 85 872 1,244 70.10% 1002 333 125 458 83 1 21 454 67 542 817 66.34% 1053 1,397 534 1,931 284 5 84 1,885 251 2,220 3,223 68.88% Totals 2,279 856 3,135 491 8 149 3,082 403 3,634 5,284 68.77% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 1 Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% City of Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 2:13 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Mayor Precinct Ga r y B i l y e u Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 662 662 210 0 44 743 85 872 1,244 70.10% 1002 422 422 120 0 21 454 67 542 817 66.34% 1053 1,683 1,683 537 0 84 1,885 251 2,220 3,223 68.88% Totals 2,767 2,767 867 0 149 3,082 403 3,634 5,284 68.77% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 2 Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% City of Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 2:13 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Precinct Al l e n C h i c k Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 669 669 203 0 44 743 85 872 1,244 70.10% 1002 424 424 118 0 21 454 67 542 817 66.34% 1053 1,673 1,673 547 0 84 1,885 251 2,220 3,223 68.88% Totals 2,766 2,766 868 0 149 3,082 403 3,634 5,284 68.77% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 3 Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% City of Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 2:13 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 4 *** End of report *** Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 4 Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% City of Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 2:13 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Mayor Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Thomas Muir 27 79.41%473 74.37%49 64.47%549 73.59% Joe Falls 7 20.59%163 25.63%27 35.53%197 26.41% Cast Votes:34 100.00%636 100.00%76 100.00%746 100.00% Undervotes:10 105 9 124 Overvotes:0 2 0 2 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Gary Bilyeu 26 100.00%565 100.00%71 100.00%662 100.00% Cast Votes:26 100.00%565 100.00%71 100.00%662 100.00% Undervotes:18 178 14 210 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 4 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Allen Chick 28 100.00%571 100.00%70 100.00%669 100.00% Cast Votes:28 100.00%571 100.00%70 100.00%669 100.00% Undervotes:16 172 15 203 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1001 872 of 1,244 registered voters = 70.10% Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 1 City of Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 2:35 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Mayor Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Thomas Muir 11 73.33%283 73.70%39 66.10%333 72.71% Joe Falls 4 26.67%101 26.30%20 33.90%125 27.29% Cast Votes:15 100.00%384 100.00%59 100.00%458 100.00% Undervotes:6 69 8 83 Overvotes:0 1 0 1 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Gary Bilyeu 13 100.00%353 100.00%56 100.00%422 100.00% Cast Votes:13 100.00%353 100.00%56 100.00%422 100.00% Undervotes:8 101 11 120 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 4 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Allen Chick 13 100.00%355 100.00%56 100.00%424 100.00% Cast Votes:13 100.00%355 100.00%56 100.00%424 100.00% Undervotes:8 99 11 118 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1002 542 of 817 registered voters = 66.34% Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 2 City of Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 2:35 PM 11/19/2020 City of Sanger Mayor Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Thomas Muir 57 74.03%1,194 72.50%146 70.53%1,397 72.35% Joe Falls 20 25.97%453 27.50%61 29.47%534 27.65% Cast Votes:77 100.00%1,647 100.00%207 100.00%1,931 100.00% Undervotes:7 235 42 284 Overvotes:0 3 2 5 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 2 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Gary Bilyeu 61 100.00%1,432 100.00%190 100.00%1,683 100.00% Cast Votes:61 100.00%1,432 100.00%190 100.00%1,683 100.00% Undervotes:23 453 61 537 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Council Member, Place 4 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Allen Chick 59 100.00%1,427 100.00%187 100.00%1,673 100.00% Cast Votes:59 100.00%1,427 100.00%187 100.00%1,673 100.00% Undervotes:25 458 64 547 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 *** End of report *** 1053 2,220 of 3,223 registered voters = 68.88% Official Results Registered Voters 3634 of 5284 = 68.77% Precincts Reporting 3 of 3 = 100.00% Denton County General & Special Elections 11/3/2020 Page 3 City of Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 2:35 PM 11/19/2020