07/06/2000-BOA-Minutes-RegularI Minutes: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Board Of Adjustments July 6, 2000 Jerry Jenkins (Acting Chairperson), Pete Morris, Sherry Lewis, Bobby Frizzell, Rodney Dillon, Jimmy Evans. Ken Perry and Russell Madden. City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez. 1. Jerry Jenkins, Acting Chairperson, called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -June 22, 2000 Motion was made by Jimmy Evans to approve minutes as presented. Bobby Frizzell Seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request Concerning Sign Regulations on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1A, Sanger 1-35 Industrial Park. Located at 601 N. Stemmons (McDonalds Site). Jerry Jenkins declared Public Hearing open. No one to speak for or against. Jerry Jenkins declared Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request Concerning sign Regulations on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1A, Sanger 1-35 Industrial Park. Located at 601 N. Stemmons (McDonalds Site). Jerry Jenkins indicated that Bobby Frizzell himself had a look at the same situation at other cities as well as these existing in the City of Sanger and it is not uncommon to see this kind of a request located at other sites. This is the part of doing business. Jerry Jenkins gave some brief information on the sign ordinance and how it was drafted with rules and regulations. Jerry Jenkins indicated it is not sufficient and indicated the city council has discussed and has indicated they will update in the future. Box. now. Sherry Lewis asked if the location was going to be a three-way to McDonald's right in the middle of Burrus' Parking Lot? City Manager Jack Smith indicated that it was; however, Burrus bas indicated that they will put in a brand new parking lot and will share it with McDonalds. Sherry Lewis indicated that if the sign is placed at the location and there is going to be traffic, especially from the west, it may not slow down to get to McDonalds what will happen to all the people coming from the sidewalk to get to the parking lot from Burrus? Jack Smith indicated that the parking lot will be changed. They will put curbs where you will go to the parking lot or around the parking lot and a person will not go tbru the parking lot as it now. Sherry Lewis asked who will be liable if someone gets hurt between the two areas? Jack Smith stated if a person is on Burrus' parkway way then Burrus will be liable. Jack Smith indicated that the request is with full approval of Burrus. Sherry Lewis asked why was the sign not closer to McDonalds instead of it being closer to Burrus? Jerry Jenkins indicated it will not be accessible from HWY 455 as Jack-In-The- Discussion. Jack Smith again indicated Burrus' Parking lot will not look anything as it does Jimmy Evans made motion to approve variance request. Bobby Frizzell seconded. Motion Carried 5-1 with Sherry Lewis voting no. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Jerry Jenkins reported that Ken Perry and Russell Madden were absent. City Secretary advised she passed out information concerning the rules and procedures of the Board of Adjustments I I Discussion was there had been some reappointment of members. The Board indicated that on next agenda to place appointment of new chairperson. Adjournment. Approved