01/24/2002-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS JANUARY 24, 2002 PRESENT: Peter Morris, Bobby Frizzell, Gordon Lurry, Jerry Jenkins, Russell Madden, Ginger Burt, Mike James ABSENT: Sherry Lewis OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Jeff Higgs 1. Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -December 13, 2001 Russell Madden moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mike James seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request concerning setbacks on property legally described as Sanger Industrial Park, Block B, Lot 1. Property is located on the comer of F .M. 455 and Fifth Streets. Public Hearing opened. Jeff Higgs, 9037 West F.M. 455, spoke in favor of the request. He indicated they originally had the car wash on the West side of the store. They angled the pumps at a fifteen degree angle to help with traffic flow. With the car wash on the west side the traffic would run together. They are requesting to go against the property line on the North side of the store. The drive thru on the building will be one lane and the car wash will be a separate lane and they will all go out on Fifth Street. He would pull it back from the property line, but there's not enough room. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request concerning setbacks on property legally described as Sanger Industrial Park, Block B, Lot 1. Property is located on the corner of F.M. 455 and Fifth Streets. Jerry Jenkins asked how far the building would be from the property line. Mr. Higgs indicated they are asking for a zero lot line. Jerry Jenkins asked if it was an automatic car wash. Mr. Higgs indicated it would be. Jerry Jenkins asked how far it would be off of Fifth Street. Mr. Higgs indicated it would be 70 or 80 feet. Discussed locations Mr. Higgs had considered for placement of the car wash. Mike James asked City Manager about the current zoning. Staff indicated it was zoned 1-1. Mike James asked about the setback requirement. Staff indicated if considered a side yard it would be 10 feet, if considered a rear yard the setbacks are 20 feet. Jerry Jenkins asked for staffs recommendation. City Manager indicated the City had no problems with the request. Mike asked what the least amount would be to functionally make it work. Jeff indicated the architect told him that comfortably they need 20 feet per lane. They have about 37 feet. Jerry Jenkins asked about a security or privacy fence in the future. Mr. Higgs indicated he possibly could get something from Mr. Porter indicating what they would or would not do on the surrounding property as Mr. Porter had indicated in the past that the property North of him would be a parking area. Discussion continued regarding the car wash and the proposed storage room for the car wash materials. Peter Morris asked if there were any utilities near the lot line. Mr. Higgs indicated he had given an easement to the City along the East Boundary. The electrician had originally planned to put his meter on the building; however, with the location of the transformer he has been advised by the City he could not do that. There is not utilities running along the North property line. Russell Madden asked what the purpose is of having a fifteen foot setback in an Industrial zone. Discussed the zoning regulation for Industrial setbacks. City manager indicated it is something that should be looked at. Bobby Frizzell indicated he tended to go along with Russell, eventually someone will develop the land. lfwe ask him to move off the property line one or two feet, there isn't anything that can be done with that strip of property. It will collect trash. Discussion regarding the building. Mike James asked if they do a zero lot line and the property is developed North of that and if the South side of the lot is a parking lot whose responsibility will it be to ensure they do not park to close to the building. Jerry Jenkins indicated it would be up to Mr. Higgs to ask them to put up some type of barrier. Discussion regarding the setbacks. Mr. Higgs indicated he would be willing to move it off of the property line if there was enough room. Bobby Frizzell moved to approve the variance request and allow up to a zero lot line. Russell Madden seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Adjourn. Approved