11/21/2002-BOA-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS NOVEMBER 21, 2002 Sherry Lewis, Jerry Jenkins, Bobby Frizzell, Pete Morris, Joe Falls, Jay Parr Charles Fenoglio City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/ Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Billy Dial , Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, and Eddie Hernandez 1. Jerry called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -August 1, 2002 Jay moved to approve, Bobby second, Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request concerning setbacks on property legally described as the North 50' of the Southwest 1/4 of Block 1. Property is located at 212 Oak Street in Sanger, Texas. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request concerning setbacks on property legally described as the North 50' of the Southwest 1/4 of Block 1. Property is located at 212 Oak Street in Sanger, Texas. Jerry indicated this was for setback purposes. Brief Discussion. Bobby Frizzell moved to approve the variance request, Sherry Lewis seconded, Motion failed 4 to 2, Jay Parr and Joe Falls voted no. (Only six members present, and all six must vote in favor.) 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approved