08/14/2003-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: Board of Adjustments AUGUST, 14, 2003 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Bobby Frizzell, Sherry Lewis, Pete Morris, Gary Bilyeu, Joe Falls, Byron Moore ABSENT: Mark McNeal 1. Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order and introduced new alternates. 2. Approve Minutes -January 23, 2003. Bobby Frizzell moved to approve the minutes as presented, Pete Morris seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request On Property Legally Described as V.H. Ward Section 2, Block 4, Lot 10, located at 802 South 2nd Street. Public Hearing Opened. Jackie Curl, 802 S. 2nd, indicated he wanted to build a carport onto his house. He showed pictures of his plan. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request on Property Legally Described as V.H. Ward Section 2, Block 4, Lot. 10, located at 802 2nd• Jerry Jenkins explained the reason for the variance requirement. Discussion regarding utility easements. Discussion regarding the carport. Staff indicated there were no citizen objections. City Manager indicated the R.O.W. width should be 50 feet on that street. He is concerned that with the current plan the carport may end up on public property. Discussion regarding the measurements. City Manager indicated Mr. Curl should measure 25 feet from the center of the street and make sure his posts are not within the right of way. Joe Falls indicated be wanted to put in the motion that it cannot be enclosed. Discussion continued. Joe Falls moved to approve the variance request to a zero lot line, and to prohibit him from enclosing the carport at any time in the future, Pete Morris seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approved I