01/15/2004-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS JANUARY 15, 2004 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Pete Morris, Joe Falls, Bobby Frizzell, Byron Moore, Mark McNeal, Gary Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Ken Perry, Rick Carter, Roger Otwell 1. Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -January 23, 2003 Joe Falls moved to approve the minutes as presented. Bobby Frizzell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request regarding setbacks on Property Legally Described as Ranger Creek Addition, Phase 1. Property is Located off of FM. 455 across from the Sanger Cemetery. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Variance Request regarding setbacks on Property Legally Described as Ranger Creek Addition, Phase 1. Property is Located off of FM. 455 across from the Sanger Cemetery. Roger Otwell, indicated this was something that Joe Falls had platted back in 1986. When they set up the covenants they put 6 foot side setbacks in. He set up the fint house at 705 Dove Ridge. He has less than 8 feet on one side of that house. And 718 Dove Ridge and 719 Dove Ridge belong to Don Hall construction. Mr. Hall thought the setbacks were grandfathered in because of the covenant. Mr. Otwell indicated 727 Dove Ridge is a Mark Simpson home. It has 6 foot from the covenants on the side setbacks also. On the 705 lot it is 65 ft wide, and the house is 50 foot wide. That lot is one foot short total, which is on the west side. Don Hall's house at 718 Dove Ridge is short on both sides. The house on 719 Dove Ridge is 7" short on each side. On Mark Simpson's homes they are ready for carpet. Don Hall has his homes being bricked, the other one is almost complete. Jerry Jenkins asked if all of the build en and property own en have been made aware they will have some lots that do not have 8 feet. I Roger Otwell indicated everyone bas been made aware. Discussed side setbacks on comer lots. Bobby Frizzell asked if be was requesting the additional lots have 6 foot variances as well. Roger Otwell indicated he was not going to ask; although, he would like to have them. Bobby Frizzell indicated they are building nice homes, the kind that Sanger wants, most people want to have a large home on a small lot. He felt Roger was building a nice addition. Gary Bilyeu asked how this will affect the rest of the subdivision. Roger Otwell indicated a wider house is nicer, looks better, and has more value. Discussion regarding the setbacks. Byron Moore indicated be would rather see a quality home with a 6 foot setback, rather than a home with the plans cut down. Jerry Jenkins asked on the future phases will they upscale .. Roger Otwell indicated the first phase was 1300 sq. ft. min., the 2nd phase will be 1500 sq. ft. min., and the 3rd phase will be 1800 sq. ft. min. Discussion. Gary Bilyeu asked what will be done in the future to prevent this. Mr. Otwell indicated they will have to pull a string on the property line or call for a form board survey. Danny Cockrell felt the 6 ft setbacks were okay. He really thought the city should require the form board surveys. Discussion continued. Joe Falls indicated when this was platted, it was placed 20 foot further to the south than it could have been for wider roads in the future. He indicated on phase II, he will ask for five ft. one side and 10 ft. on the other side so that you can get between the houses. Pete Morris moved to approve six foot side yards and 20 foot side yards on corner lots for phase I of Ranger Creek. Gary Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Joe Falls abstained. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to regarding a Variance Request concerning a carport on property legally described as Sullivan West, Block 12, Lot 1. Property is located at 901 Pecan Street. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action regarding a Variance Request concerning a carport on property legally described as Sullivan West, Block 12, Lot 1. Property is located at 901 Pecan Street. Jerry Jenkins indicated approximately 3 months ago the owner asked him to look at the property, he went to look at it. The owner explained what he wanted to do. At the time there was an existing carport that looked pretty bad. They looked at it and measured it. The owner wanted to tear down the existing structure and build a new one. Jerry told him he did not see a problem. The code enforcement officer indicated he did not see a problem with it. The problem is the setbacks. He indicated he did not see that street ever being widened in the future. He could be infringing on the city's right of way with the supports. Rick Carter, 511 N. 9th, indicated there used to be carport there, it was dilapidated, and useless to him. He had it torn down. He would like to build a nice carport so that he can park his vehicles under,it. It will come out the same distance as the old carport. Mr. Jenkins asked if there were any utility easements that come off of that street. Mr. Carter indicated there were not any. Bobby Frizzell asked how far the carport would be from the center of the road. Mr. Carter indicated about 21 feet. Danny Cockrell indicated this will allow more visibility for traffic than the garage that was there. Discussed the request. City Manager asked if he could build it 16 feet instead of 20 feet so that he will not be on City Property. I Byron Moore indicated he could put his post in the center and attach it to the house and have an overhang of ten feet. Mr. Carter indicated he could do that. Mr. Carter asked if once they find out where the street is and if they find out his 20 ft. carport will fit, can he get that variance? City Manager indicated we could give him a zero side setback for his carport on the east side of the property. Byron Moore moved to grant a variance for a zero side setback on the East side. Mark McNeal seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Meeting Adjourned. Approval