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04/22/2004-BOA-Minutes-RegularI MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APRIL 22, 2004 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Mary Ann Pyron, Mark McNeal, Sherry Lewis, Byron Moore, John Looper ABSENT: Bobby Frizzell, Joe Falls, Pete Morris OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Code Enforcement Office Danny Cockrell, Gary Drumb, RitaJo Lovetro 1. Jerry Jenkins called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -August 14, 2003 January 15, 2004 John Looper moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mary Ann Pyron seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Sherry Lewis abstained on second one. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Request concerning Setback Regulations on property legally described as Lot 4, Block H Willowood Addition. Property is located at 302 Wayne Drive. 4. Public Hearing opened. Rita Jo Lovetro, 804 S. 3rd Street, indicated she was a new home owner, and just wants to know what is going on. She was concerned with which way the house is going to face. What is the code and what is the requested variance? Jerry Jenkins indicated the code requires a 25 foot setback in rear yard. The lot will not fit the house they want to build with those setbacks. The question is in the back yard of the house. Once they close the Public Hearing they will discuss it with the builder and staff. Discussion regarding the property and the variance process. Public Hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request concerning Setback Regulations on property legally described as Lot 4, Block H Willowood Addition. Property is located at 302 Wayne Drive. Jerry Jenkins indicated everyone has had a chance to look at information. He asked staff if there were any letters received from the property owners. Staff indicated there was one letter marked undecided. Gary Drumb, 3828 Lamance Lane in Denton, showed plans for the home. He indicated I he has been trying to finish out the Wollowood Addition. He is trying to build nice affordable homes. This particular lot is shaped like a tiger tooth and difficult to fit a home within the required setbacks. He indicated he is trying to fit the house on the lot so that it will be an asset to the neighborhood. They were able to keep the front and side setbacks required by the City. Jerry Jenkins indicated he measured from the form to the concrete in the alley, it was about 14.5 feet. Discussed fences and the easement. Mr. Drumb indicated when they set the forms up, he was unaware of the rear setback requirement. They set it up as closely as they could, but it was not set up by a surveyor. Jerry Jenkins asked for staff recommendation. Danny Cockrell, Code Enforcement Officer, indicated it may be better to take a little of the front yard and get further away from the rear property line. He thought they could straighten the house a little and give more room in the back. Mr. Drumb indicated the alley does act as a buffer between the houses. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins asked if they object to moving the house on the West corner more toward the front. Mr. Drumb indicated he did not have a problem with it. Discussion regarding the way the house would sit on the lot. Danny felt if they brought it 5 feet forward on that one side it would fit better in the area. Byron Moore indicated his biggest concern was the way it was sitting on the lot. Discussed size of the lot on the East of this property. Discussed possible future variance on that lot. Sherry Lewis asked if the buyer was aware that he was planning to build another house next to it. Mr. Drumb indicated he was aware. Discussion regarding the subdivision and the plat. Discussion continued regarding the request. I Jerry Jenkins asked Danny what he would recommend. Danny Cockrell indicated he would recommend moving the house five feet forward on West corner of the garage. This would leave 20 feet in front and 19 feet in back. Discussion continued. Byron Moore moved to approve a setback of not less than 20 feet off the front property line and whatever that equates to on the back property line, approximately 19 feet. Mary Ann seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Approval